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Rewatching this, Ephraim was kind of a dick to Amy, but I get it. He lied to her because he was testing her to see if she still wanted to hang with him even if his dad couldn’t help her boyfriend. She failed the test by not wanting to continue spending time with him. I see both sides. It would’ve been nice if Ephraim tried to help her out of the goodness of his heart but that’s not realistic for most people let alone a 15 year old boy. He didn’t want to be used, but she also didn’t promise him anything. Fun reaction!

Jeremy Burch

Totally agree with the comment, he was testing her to see if she still wanted to spend time with him, even with his dad not helping, he thinks she failed the test, but I don't really know if I do, considering she just lost her last hope to help Colin, so she's probably pretty heartbroken, I don't think she would want to spend time with anyone at the moment. So, I don't think it was a great test on his part, not just with the lying to her, but because I don't think it really tells him if she would continue spending time with him or not in the future.


The voiceovers were just a quick and folksy way to give exposition. This was more common in the 80s and 90s than today, though Greys anatomy still does it. I don’t mind it but it is a little over used in this episode. The target age of the show is pretty much everybody so anybody of every age has someone to relate to and can watch it together (another rare concept today).


I don't think Dr Brown is supposed to come across well here. Ephram was right in everything he said and Dr Abbott at the end too. Now Dr Brown has done things this way for decades, so it's gonna take some time for him to unlearn that. His conversation with Ephram in the car saying Delia "gets us" was him saying he will try and be there in the future, but that he needs Ephram's support for that.

Lucile Byrd

The hat thing bugged me too, like most schools have a dress code in class or even in the building where a hat cannot be worn inside and Delia was blatantly disobeying.

Thomas Becker

I also think this episode wasn't very good. Honestly besides the conversation between Dr Brown and Ephraim it was actually pretty bad. Realistically the show finds its groove somewhere between episode 6 an 7. The overall story picks up and characters become quite a bit more "likeable" by that time and less weird/strange/stereotype. And I don't think it's a kids show at all. The show takes on some issues, that were really not present on network TV in the mid 00s.


That's true but the teacher was picking on Delia even before mentioning the hat. And the whole boys sitting in front of the class and girls in the back is so wrong I can't. Plus, Delia was just politely asking and only got stubborn about the hat after the teacher got stubborn about the seating thing.


Messed up he's doing healthcare for free? Ah, I see you support the crooks of the US Healthcare System. Lmao 🤣