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emily ღ

oh this episode lol so, the book is a lot of more disturbing and graphic in regards to what daphne does to simon. i'm glad they didn't go that route in the series but i still can't look at her character the same way after. that being said, i do understand some of the context. it's not an excuse for her, but back then, consent, especially between spouses isn't a thing, and with her being so ignorant about all things sex, it doesn't surprise me too much that she'd do something like this to "test her theory" without meaning to cause harm or trauma, but it's still so distrubing. the show is kind of relying on you to not look at it through a modern lense in regards to this, but how can we not? what she did was 100% not okay, and we know this. however, the show is painting it as a breach of trust regarding both of them, and painting it as both being equally guilty of doing something distrustful. which....bugs me to say the least. this is a storyline i do not like or enjoy at all this season and is a huge season why season 2 is the better season IMO. simon presented his inability to have children as being not a choice. he used wording that made it seem like this was out of his control or a medical issue, not a choice he was making each time. and to daphne, i think a lot of her anger comes from a place of embarassment. she feels like he may have picked her and decieved her because he knew she was so ignorant and uneducated in regards to sex. she feels like she's been made a fool of in their marriage bed. this DOES NOT excuse what she did but to me, it does explain her headspace and anger. she feels like she's been made a fool of by the person she trusted and allowed herself to open up to in intimate ways. again, her action is NOT justified but i can empathize with her headspace in regards to only her anger and not the actions leading up to and proceeding that. if that makes sense. also in regards to marina, i do not support or condone what she's doing with collin, but i also can understand she is completely at a loss. she has no support. her options are to be homeless on the street with her baby vulnerable to starvation and disease, or marry someone who she can only pray won't be abusive to her or to her child. along comes collin and his family who is a symbol of everything she wants for herself and her child (a loving, stable home). i don't know much of her story outside of what is presented to us here, but it can be heavily inferred she doesn't really come from a happy and loving family. collin is a representation of safety and hope for her. and in an act of desperation, she thinks this is the only choice she has. i can't even imagine what it'd have been like to be in her shoes in that time period. i can empathize with her desperation and heartache. i also love we see some of anthony and his sibling-parenting. it was a nice touch to see him also be so equally protective of collin as well. hell, he even turned the blame back on himself, saying he should have done more to prepare him. i mean, maybe not brothles anthony but i get the sentiment lmao. yeah this episode is very divisive among the fandom and for good reason. i hate that they have daphne's character go this route. she's meant to be good and sweet and kind and i think she is, but this episode taints that for me and even if they try hard to paint it as both their "sins" being equal, i just can't ever see her the same again.

emily ღ

also i love the touches of seeing daphne as a dutchess, another reason i hate that they go the route they did with her character at the end because i think that scene overtakes everything else. but looking at the episode without that, i love seeing her in the role of dutchess. it's so very Bridgerton(TM) and the people don't really know what to do with that lol she's very self sufficent and doesn't need the servants to do everything for her. she actively wants to help the people and doesn't want to appear higher than them or make them feel like they are beneath her in any way. it's just so very Bridgerton and reflects how these children were brought up. her connecting with the head housekeeper is everything as well. all these scenes are SO GOOD and then it comes along and mucks it all up with the ending.


I'll make it simple: both Daphne and Simon did some messed-up shit here. Daphne forcing him to not pull out was plain wrong. Simon making her think he could not have kids is too - there is a huge difference between not having kids bc it's not possible or bc it's not wanted. She did not know the full story, she still doesn't. They both didn't communicate.


I'm really not on Daphne's side here whatsoever. That being said, when Simon told her "I *cannot* give you children" he didn't say he never wanted kids. And the fact is, the only reason he doesn't want kids is because of that vow he made to his now dead father to end his lineage. Honestly, they're both so in the wrong here because if Simon truly did love Daphne, that vow shouldn't matter in place of him knowing how happy she would be to be a mother. It was also entirely stupid of him to say he thought she understood how babies are made when he's had to introduce her to masturbation as well as sex. He's aware how naive she is because of dumb questions like "does that hurt?" and the fact he knows mothers of the ton "keep their daughters in total darkness." as she said to him. But once she knew the mechanics of it, Daphne had no right whatsoever to take that choice away from him. The lack of communication is ridiculous.

Mark Wood

Simply put the real issue is neither character speaks to each other. Now of course on the balance of things, Simon is the one withholding the most. But the key is that neither is good at expressing what is going through their mind to the other. Now with Daphne, she believes that Simon cannot bear children. And no point does he ever state he doesn't wish to have children. And he is pretty emphatic about it even going so far as to state he could never give her children, versus a couple other times stating the more simply he can't. And on Simon's side, Daphne actually was completely upfront with him, when she states she has been told nothing. So for him to state he thought she knew, lacks any basis in sound reasoning. Legally Daphne is correct (based on US current laws), as Simon misrepresented himself, she even has grounds for not a divorce but an annulment. On the consent side, that also technically favors Daphne. Daphne never consented to their first sexual contact. Simon specifically asks her to show him how she touched herself. She says she cannot, his reaction is to take her hand and use her own hand to please her. After giving a negative, she never did give her consent. Now with Simon, he did consent to sex. And of course he can during the act itself, withdraw that consent. He never does. He never says no, stop. He never turns to his side, he never lifts her up. But legally she doesn't do anything wrong. Now then we have morally. With Daphne's lack of knowledge, yes Simon is morally wrong in not expressing that he probably could have children, but that he just doesn't want children. Daphne would have absolutely still married him. Even if it was only to save her sisters from her own ruin. On Daphne's side, she fears that Simon is choosing to withdraw as active means of birth control. But she even states she hopes she is wrong. But even being unsure it was still also morally wrong to put Simon in the position to counter what she feared was his intent.