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you calling peyton a virus is sending me lmao. your hatred for her is so pure.


I have a love/hate relationship with Peyton. This is by far her worst season and she's not even at her worst yet. I like her when she has nothing to do with Lucas, though I adore the actress so that helps me like her more. Lucas is just the dumbest person alive you can always count on him to make the worst possible decision in every situation.


we have similar feelings on peyton/lucas so your comments crack me up😂😂😂 i love how haley reacts to it though, i hate when she would defend peyton and lucas in the older seasons when it came to brooke but this time around she’s not having it


Lucas and Peyton are so unlikeable. Why are we suppose to root for them? 🤔 But it's obvious we're suppose to because they are shoving them down our throats.


The end of the episode is where Nathan should have said "you're fired" or in the least "swim naked again and you'll be fired". Or something to that effect.

Jeremy Burch

That's why I root for them, out of sheer exhaustion. So, they can stop, just stop.


I think Nathan likes the attention the nanny gives him but also naively believes it to be harmless. I don't even think it's about Carrie being the "hot young babysitter" but moreso that she is giving him the attention and flirtation Haley currently can't. As for Peyton and Lucas: I agree they're both acting childish and annoying atm but I blame Lucas more than Peyton here bc he is repeating past mistakes by stringing two girls along. I mean kissing Peyton and then proposing to Lindsay is just mean and unfair to both of them.


I think this season gets really good around episode 10 and that's why I still really like season five, especially for Brooke's journey. But it's also the season that made me hate Lucas, so I'm torn.


Why do you hate Peyton more than Lucas? I think Lucas is way worse.


Luca is literally worst than Peyton don’t care how much you hate Peyton. You’re being extremely bias to have NOT spotted Lucas consistent red flags. Give Peyton a break! At the end othe day Lucas loyalty is with Lindsey Peyton don’t owe her a thing!


lucas is so DUMB it's painful

Mariella Nilsson

In this episode nathan is as dumb as Lucas, both hung out with a girl that showed interested in them, carrie unlike peyton was flirtig, so The scott brothers were equally dumb in this one!

Jeremy Burch

Lucas is definitely worse than Peyton, I could give a few examples without having to think to much. In the first season when he makes out with Peyton at the party he declares his love for her and when she freaks out rightfully so, I mean they hadn't even really gone out yet, he decides he's done with her and all her drama and then moves on to Brooke. When he cheats on Brooke with Peyton in season 1, it's right after she had to identify what might have been her fathers body, which would have left her in a pretty vulnerable state, which I think makes him worse in that situation, not to mention that one could argue, do to the fact she was in such a vulnerable state he took advantage of her a little, then he wanted to continue hooking up with Peyton while he dated Brooke, which he seemed quite into, but Peyton said no, which makes him worse. Then theirs the whole back and forth, your the one I'm meant to be with stuff with both Brooke and Peyton, hooking up with a random girl at the bar when he's supposed to be in love with one or both of them, ambushing Peyton with a proposal, then when she said yes, not no, just not right now, he snuck out while she slept and declared that she broke up with him and didn't care about their relationship. He whispered "he's not good enough for you" into Peyton's ear, while she was flirting with someone, trying to move on from Lucas who is with someone, he keep's on going to see her, think about her, stare at the ring he proposed to her with, kiss her, all while he is with someone and then propose to them with the same ring he proposed to Peyton with. Plus storyline wise outside of their love story, I think Peyton has had more interesting storylines, her dealing with the loss of her mother, both adoptive and birth, her story with Jake, who I liked her with much better, her art and music storylines, the Psycho Derek storyline, even her storyline with her actual brother Derek, plus her friendship with Brooke storyline, which went threw a lot. Lucas, had some interesting basketball storylines, which was more interesting for Nathan, his heart stuff, which was kind of interesting and his wanting to be an author and finding out how Keith died, which was more interesting for Dan. That was just what I could think off the top of my head, without rewatching things and looking seasons up, So I maintain, Lucas is worse.


Honestly, Nathan in this Carrie situation is high-key pathetic because I've always maintained that he misses the adoration of basketball fans so takes the attention anyway he can get it. THAT BEING SAID, his level of pathetic is on the ground compared to the skyscraper that is Lucas and Peyton.


The are in the same level but it doesn’t even matter whos worse they are both cancer and I don’t like it


Bruh how are you NOT finding Peyton absolutely hilarious? It's nuanced, she's being openly petty b/c it's obvious she still loves Lucas that she's even lashing out at Brooke in jest. Brooke even reacted as such, which is why she didn't take it personally. Idk I love Peyton, she's just responding the craziness around her... she's had to take care of herself essentially since her dad sucks and her mom died young.

Leora Nechama

All of Kate Voegele (Mia)'s music is fire. Her albums are so good. Definitely look them up. Love Quentin sticking up for Hailey and Peyton sending Victoria a "bitter shrew" was definitely her best scene this season. The Carrie storyline is annoying but it is going somewhere. Lindsey deserves better than Lucas. Lucas and Peyton are definitely my least favorite part of the season. They both love the idea of each other and their "true love" more than they love being together. I like Brooke and Owen's chemistry and Mouth and Millie.