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Jeremy Burch

Allison has known something was up with Scott for awhile with some things that have happened on their dates with him not showing up or acting weird, so I'm sure she already had some issues with him in the back of her head before this episode. But as she stated in this episode she knows that he is straight up lying to her face and that he was lying all night, then he came back to the door and locked them in leaving them there and she has no Idea why because he's lying to her. To us we know he locked them in to save them from him, but to her it just looked like he lied to her and then locked them in to keep them stuck there with no way out and left them. I mean when I was watching the episode I wasn't surprised she broke up with him , because people tend to not like to be continuously lied to, especially in a life and death situation, plus I'm sure it seemed like he abandoned them with him locking the door on them, which doesn't look good. Also, I feel like their is something particularly annoying about being lied to when you know your being lied to and they know you know, but they continue to lie anyway.


I think Allison broke up with him because she got the feeling that he wasn't being honest with her and still isn't but I still agree with you I didn't like it. Maybe if they would've went about it better idk.

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

I think Allison's reaction was a TAD dramatic...but I'll give it a pass seeing as how she'd just had a traumatic night.

Jeremy Burch

That's why I put the especially in a life and death situation part in my comment, because I feel like that would just amplify everything you were feeling. Plus I don't like being lied to, so if I confronted someone about them lying to me and they just continued lying, I would probably say were done, don't know if I would actually stick to that once we talked about it all again but in the moment, I would have done the same thing she did.


The reason she got that reaction was because she basically was in shock. And the reason she got mad and emotional with him at the very end was because she was so scared that he would die out there alone, and her thinking at that that time was that they should have used more time in there to figure out another way to go about it. Also if they had to go out there to grab the keys, she was thinking that they should have been more than just him to go out there, as she don't know yet that he is a werewolf. Hope this helped.