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emily ღ

hi!! i'm a little confused on the reaction request tier (which is what i have) and i'm hoping you or someone in the comments and clarify this for me. do those of us with this tier get to message you with a new request for the month of february? in the tier post it says that there's no more slots available, so i'm wondering how this all works. i'm hoping to renew my reaction request tier this month and was wondering if i'll be able to submit a request or if the slots are all full for the month already. thank you so much!!


Yes, i PM’d him saying I wanted episode 2 of my requested show for February since it seems Brian has done almost all of the ones listed for him. But I got no response. I’ve already been charged today for the tier, so I hope at some point this month I can get the next episode requested. It was never really said how subsequent months work. To keep up to date they’d have to watch all requests every 30 days and I don’t believe their done from January so not entirely sure