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Katy I-J

DID-Dissociative Identity Disorder, is a really interesting and misunderstood disorder wherein it usually forms as a coping mechanisms when faced with trauma during early development. (Most people with DID suffered childhood trauma) it functions to help the person, for example, if a child is experiencing abuse, an alter (a much better word for personality, much more accurate since multiple personality disorder is an outdated term) may form to be a protector, so child would dissociate, basically their consciousness is fractured and a part is hidden, and then a stand in alter may experience the abuse for them, thereby hiding the trauma and the brain trying, and failing, to hide from the effects of the trauma. The transitions are involuntary and tend to be very taxing on the individual. People with DID are often treated in media as dangerous, but as with any person who has experienced trauma, they are actually more likely to be fragile and gentle. Systems of alters can be endless, and each alter usually has a name and pronoun, characteristic, age(many systems have a couple child alters). A person with DID is no more likely to commit a crime than a person without, and are actually more likely to be revictimized. Thanks for asking questions, thats always the first step in unraveling some of the misinformation out there.