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leslie martin

i think the stiles/lydia scene is a bit creepy and at first, i was afraid that stiles would cross the line you know! but it's kind of a comedic scene and i don't mind it that much now. he definitely has some stalk-ish and weird vibes with lydia but i think, deep down he only has good intentions? but also like? why are you looking at her phone while she's passed out?? weird

Andrea Paola

I forgot how much I hated Kate until I saw this episode.

Angeliyah Perkins

Well, Stiles has a huge crush on Lydia, and it's been kinda obvious, so I think it would make sense for him to check on her. Stiles visiting Allison doesn't make sense, but even though Scott is his only friend, he isn't anti-social. He's a pretty confident character, and I think he's a real ride-or-die type of friend, so him going to Allisons for Scott's sake, isn't too out of character. It's weird he knew where she lived, but he is the son of the sheriff, so it probably isn't too difficult for him to find that info. As for Scott skipping school I don't think he ever cared that much about school. Lol not saying he's dumb, but he definitely isn't the brightest (I think in the last episode they mentioned his grades), and his mind is kinda clouded with Allison. Let me rephrase, I think Scott cares about school; he just has trouble focusing. Right now, he's only focused on Allison and his wolf stuff, so school is kinda on the back burner (kinda like what the teacher said about his mind being in different places.

Jeremy Burch

I've always liked the parent teacher part of this episode, I feel like it gave us great insight into the characters, especially Lydia, kind of revealing she puts on a bit of a mask, hiding how smart she really is and Jackson and the stuff about him being adopted and how trying to prove himself, is almost like an obsession. I feel like Scott and Allison skipping school isn't really something they would normally do, Scott's just thinking about Allison a lot and when he heard that her birthday is typically terrible, full of people suggesting she got pregnant or is stupid, he just wanted to get her away from that, because like I said he's mostly just thinking about her and wolf things right now. As for Stiles going to see Lydia, I think it makes sense, the show has made it clear he really likes her and has for a long time, plus this is kind of like a small town with people knowing each other, so I don't think it was crazy that he went to check on her. I don't think it was that crazy that he knew where Allison lived and went to check on her either, like I said this is kind of like a small town, so people tend to talk, so it wouldn't be that surprising to hear people talking about the new family that moved here and where they live, also he could have looked up her address in the phone book, online, asked about where she lived around school, his dad is the sheriff so he could have found out from him or something he had in the house, or Scott could have told him. Also, at the time they thought Derek was a murderer and he took her, so I feel like Stiles caring enough to see if she's dead isn't that crazy, even if he doesn't know her that well.