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Yeah, that scene between Dan and Nathan is amazing. The way Nathan goes in wanting to believe in his Dad, telling him that if he tells him that he didn't do it, he'll believe him and stand by him. And then with 5 words that all comes crashing down and any hope he had that Dan was changing is just gone. And he instantly tells him that he's dead to him, and tells him to stay away from him and that his son won't know him. It's just so heartbreaking. It's such a short scene, and the change in feelings was so sudden and really sad. Nathan has always just wanted to have a good relationship with Dan, even when he was breaking away from him he wished it wasn't that way and part of him still clearly had a little hope that maybe there was a chance. Then all through this season he's been seeing changes in him, Dan has helped him out, he was slowly starting to trust him again. And then this happened. It's just horrible. Poor Nathan though. He's had a scene with both his parents where they admitted to murder (or attempted murder in Deb's case) now... What a wonderful family he's got there. It's no wonder he grew up to have issues. He was raised by two people who would eventually go on to either attempt to murder the other, or actually murder his Uncle... What a healthy environment... (I do get why Deb tried to kill Dan though...) And when you mentioned it, yeah that scene where Deb tells Nathan the truth was really good too. I actually really like the way they did it. Instead of putting in the dialogue and possibly making it weird and awkward, they cut away so we could only see his reaction and not hear what either were saying. I think that was really cool...

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

Yeah, Nathan's scenes here are wonderful. I REALLY enjoy Nathan's upcoming storylines and I genuinely can't wait for the next season. I don't know anything about basketball or any sport to have an opinion on the point shaving thing but I am sad that Nate won't be playing at Duke. Such a good school, too, for Haley. I thought Nathan's shift from wanting so badly to believe in his dad and stand by him to having his heart crushed and saying his son will never know him was very heartbreaking. I want Dan to be punished. He never seemed to be remorseful. Like truly. He wouldn't have gotten close to Karen or tried painting Luke as a crazy guy if he'd been truly sorry for what he'd done. I can't feel bad for him.


Just fyi the dropbox link is for Smallville 6x19. I hope everyone has a Happy New Year!


I agree on the Chase and Brook thing. I never understood by they were a thing. Not believable at all


I think they wanted to give Brooke a happy non-dramatic love story for once. Also to show her growth in terms of what she wants from life and relationships.


yeah the pregnancy timeline might be a little bit off all we know is that seems they both got pregnant around the same time last season so its possible they just speed up time a little bit because of it being the end of s4 coming but who knows lol. I'm really excited to see your reaction to next season there is alot of interesting things coming <3

Jeremy Burch

I agree, I said it in a comment on a different episode, I don't really care about the Brooke and Chase relationship, because I don't think they developed it well at all. They did a little development when he first showed up, then he disappeared for awhile, then returned, then they broke up, then he disappeared again, came back and now their saying all the love stuff. Although, I think it kind of makes sense for teens, their not really in love, technically they didn't even say they love each other, they were basically saying they love that thing she did, or she loved that about him, then did the typical teen stuff of, that means you love me, although it really doesn't, they just love something about the other person. I also agree with some other comments above they probably wanted to give Brooke a drama free relationship, the problem is a drama free relationship on a drama is boring. Although I will say again, I do like Chase as a character, I think he's fine and I think he deserved the spot in the graduation, he has been in multiple episodes of the second half of the season and the last few episodes in a row so it makes sense, it wouldn't make sense for Tim, since he transferred schools and hasn't been in the show since season 3.


Chase is bland and boring and Brooke and Chase are bland and boring. They have zero chemistry. I agree with you about Chase getting a nod at the graduation. We have known him a minute. I loved everything else in this episode, especially the Nathan stuff. Yes, it would have been nice if Nathan went to Duke, but that would have been too easy. They love to give characters obstacles. Like Whitey said, people love someone who rises from the ashes. Kudos to Haley too!


I really love Nathan and Dan's relationship. It's one of my favorite on the show. I do believe Nathan is really the only person Dan truly loves and Nathan is certainly the only person who loves Dan. You could tell Dan wanted to be the person Nathan thought he'd become. That was a great scene.

I Am Not Chamari

I think something else with the pregnancy and shows of this era is that they really just had any baby onscreen, without any regard for how old they actually were. So, even if the timeline made sense... I just think they wanted a baby on the screen.