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emily ღ

i loved this episode! i loved how supportive and comforting topanga is. a lot of times in teen shows the trope is the girl being anxious snd the boy talking her through it or sadly coercing her. here, they were both anxious but topanga was the one who talked corey through it and validated his anxiety. they went at his pace at what they were comfortable with and i loved that. and when they finally did have their kiss it was because the moment felt natural and right to them both. it's funny how much of a team they already are. she's his person and he's hers 💗


YES! I love that for once it was the boy who was more anxious and needed more time to be ready. Like, yes Topanga was anxious too, but she was ready and comfortable with kissing Cory. But he wasn't yet, and they went at his pace. You should always go at the pace of whoever is less ready for things, and I love that for once it was this way around. That's very rare. Like you said, it's usually the other way around, with the guy being more ready and again, as you said, often coercing or pressuring in some way for the girl to be ready. They did it perfectly here. They really showed that not all guys are just immediately ready and willing with kissing girls and all that stuff. I really enjoy it when they kinda flip the script with these things. Steer away from stereotypes and show that EVERYONE has anxieties in some ways, and it's just amazing. :)


i loooove this episode. and i love topanga. what i like about this show is its seems that both cory and topanga like each other but they dont rush into that storyline or anything, they can still like other people and do things that dont revolve around each other while still acknowledging there's some sort of connection.