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Joey told Dawson that if he did it, it would be the end of their relationship, and he said he cared more about doing what was ~right for her~, so he made his choice without understanding that she meant what she said. I understand it's hard to get from a distance, and his choice may have been "right" and ultimately the father is to blame, but with such deep family trauma she was buried under, the fact that she can't distinguish Dawson from her family's ruin (again) isn't really her fault either.

Leora Nechama

I don't know if it's just me but Pacey's father has been emotionally/verbally/physically abusive and I don't think saying "I'm sorry I don't know you" is anywhere near enough. I feel like it's again teaching him love is abuse. I love Andie for wanting better for him but his father and brother aren't gonna suddenly change to not be bullies and I think what Andie was teaching him through their relationship - that he was worthy of love and good thigs despite his family being toxic - was healthier than trying to change clearly consistent toxicity when it will probably just disappoint him again. Some people have toxic families that they need to learn to contend with and I don't like the trope that all of the can change and need to be forgiven. I know that probably sounds cynical but I'm interning with kids in foster care now and some of them need that clean break at least regarding their understanding of what's realistic and what they need. They can love their families but sometimes they're the opposite of what they need. Sometimes their better finding their worth ad their safety outside of home/biology and I don't know that Pacey's situation seems different just because there hasn't been a CPS call and we're not seeing the option of him in a healthier foster family.


They really hit ya emotionally in a short time with 3 straight scenes. Jen and grams, Pacey and his dad, and Joey and her dad. They don’t give ya time to recover between. It’s a tough viewing first time and I still get it upon repeat viewings.


Wow, 3 episodes so happy. Thanks.

Eleanor Layland

Dawson did the right thing in the wrong way, by giving her the ultimatum he took her choice away if he has given her the suggestion, Joey as a smart girl who loves her family would have come to the decision to do what she did end up doing herself (to protect her sister and nephew), and he could have been there holding her hand and supporting her through it, not deciding it for her as he did

Leonard Atkins jr

YOU have to remember joey is very protective of her father. this is one of those situations where she has to see it for herself. whoever told her about this she waas gonna have negative feelings towards