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i love shawn so much 😭


That last scene between Cory and Shawn is one of my favourites. At the end of the day Cory is the only person that matters to him. The party doesn't matter. This episode really shows just how good of a friend Shawn is. He was supportive of Cory going to the party when he wasn't invited, and then to find out he was at the cool party and Cory wasn't and for him to just decide to ditch it to hang out with Cory. I just love that to him, nothing matters unless Cory is involved. He was clearly having a good time at the "cool party" before Cory got there, and then he found out that Cory had been excluded from it and suddenly it just wasn't the same. I love them! <333 And I agree, I don't think it was wrong for Cory to wanna go to the party. Personally, I wouldn't have wanted to go without my friend but that's more to do with anxiety than anything. In my opinion, he was invited and so it was understandable for him to go. You can't just miss out on things like that because your friend wasn't invited. It'd just cause resentment and make you miss out. So I don't think Cory was necessarily wrong for going. But I do get what Turner and Amy/Alan were saying. It would be so easy to get wrapped up in the idea of popularity that you forget the person who's always been there for you. I think it's dangerous to think of yourself as cool, it makes it easy to get wrapped up in all that stuff. Of course, it's dangerous to think of yourself as uncool too. But it's just best to think of yourself as a normal person who has a friend. So long as one person likes spending time with you, nothing else should matter in that sense. (Of course, there are other issues that can't be solved with having a friend. But you get what I mean...) And yeah, Turner is great. I love the difference between him and Feeny as teachers. And that neither are necessarily portrayed as wrong in their teaching styles... :)

emily ღ

and now you're starting to see what makes shawn hunter so special. this character was one of my first loves growing up and shawn/rider still remains very special to me. i love how rider portrays him, and even the creator was like there's no one else that could be shawn hunter. shawn comes from a tough home, and we've seen him be a bit of a troublemaker and not really concerned with too much in his life. except when it comes to the matthews' family - especially corey, but the entire family as well. i have that "let's bail" living in my mind rent free. he's ready to drop everything for corey. to him, being popular doesn't matter as long as he has corey. he can set aside everything - the popular kids, the pretty girls all over him, all of it, just to go hang with corey. and i think that's part of what makes him so special. his heart is so good. he can cause trouble and be a bit of a wild card, but he has a really good heart at the end of the day. that's why he's not written off (oof, "written off" that's something to come down the road lol) by alan and amy and mr feeny. they know deep down he's a good kid with a good heart who is good for corey just as corey is good for him. also i completely agree about corey attending the party. my only qualm could be if shawn had been hurt or upset. then i would lean more towards corey maybe suggesting the two of them ditch it completely and do something together. but shawn was supportive and wanted corey to go have that fun and make a memory and that's so awesome. they're so supportive of each other and even if they're goofballs, there's moments that genuinely show lots of love and maturity.


This is one of my favorite Shawn and Cory episodes. I think Cory is actually average as main characters go and its a very interesting thing. He's not popular but he's not a geek either and its something Cory struggles with throughout the series. He def let the idea of being the cool one go to his head in this episode but luckily Shawn was ok with letting Cory have the glory just this once. Ofc it turned out to be a party for the quote unquote geeks but it made Cory realize that Shawn is a ride or die and he doesn't care about Cory's popularity or lack thereof. It reminds me of the Cherry Bomb episode where Shawn tried to pull away from Cory because he thought they were too different and Cory held on tight. That's something we will see more but its that dichotomy that makes their friendship one o the best. I love that Alan and Amy have a real marriage and that they show that they are still attracted to each other, I feel like that's rare in tv shows now.