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Michel Stephany Garces

I am so happy to hear you like Hannah. She is my favorite too as well as Spencer :)

emily ღ

Yes for the Hannah love!! Spencer will always be my girl though but Hannah needs some love! She's too underrated and smarter than a lot of people give her credit for. She brings her own gifts to the table in her own way and I love when people embrace her character and appreciate her!

I Am Not Chamari

Spencer is my fave, but I always loved Hanna as well! This was a crazy episode - mid season finale so they had to pull out all the stops. I wish they held out just a little bit longer on the Ian reveal - the Ian + Alison on the tree AND revealing him in the video. He just came back into town, and I mean, with the Spencer stuff, we already knew he was crummy, but I wish he had a bit more time with him before the Ali of it all came in. Also, how GROSS was that kissing scene between Ian and Spencer. Spencer would have been 15 and not only was Ian Melissa’s boyfriend, he was also Spencer's coach? Very disgusting. And to find out he was also with Alison, like, that’s literally two children, what is wrong with him? To know he dated Melissa, kissed her sister, kept on seeing Spencer after breaking up with Melissa AND was seeing Alison TOO? He should be in jail regardless .