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Glad you enjoyed the movie. On this rewatch I've noticed first scene and last scene of the movie mirror eachother, on the first scene he is driving his car with the sunglasses 😓 last scene she did while missing him, still makes me sad. I agree with a lot of the criticisms, characters were unrealistically gullable, and some things moved too fast to the point there wasn't enough buildup. If the movie was longer and they added more detail to the relationships, I agree it would've been a lot more believable and made a bigger impact in the end. I don't see how Ronald is the cause of his death though. Yeah they fought and he ended up pushing Anette into the street, but it was Katherine who set it up and knew this is exactly what he would do, it's totally her fault. Annette blames her for his death 100%, that's why she went out of her way to expose Katherine in the end in such a dramatic manner, it's what she deserved.


I don't think the movie in itself is racist or homophobic, some characters in it 100% are, just like in real life. So not putting these type of behaviours in movies or shows would be like pretending these type of behaviour don't exist and make it unrealistic.


Did he deserve to die though? He was a long way from being redeemed, but he was also only a teenager, starting out his life, never had a chance to grow up into a different person. How many people are a completely different person a decade later after teen years? His behaviour is not even uncommon, sooo many guys would do everything he did and worse, except they're much less successful cuz in real life noone is as gullable as the girls in this film. ;D


To say this is one of my favorite movies is an understatement. Since I first saw it, I've been obsessed with it and Kathryn. Yes, I was nine at the time, but the love remains. It's all so good to me: the music, the writing, the insane plot lines. There's also a musical based on it, as well as an unaired pilot for a TV show starring Sarah Michelle Geller that "came out" a few years ago. I have a copy if anyone wants to look at it. It's not the best quality, but it's the best I've found so far. It shows what Kathryn and Annette have been up to since then, and how a piece of Sebastian lived on. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IAPObLfRzH9HEM1jMiDfnFArNO7rRNMO/view?usp=share_link Also, I am not sure why they chose to make it appear as if Kathryn lied about Sebastian hitting her, but he did. It can be seen in the deleted scenes.

emily ღ

oh heck yes!! great movie choice tonight!


I fucking love this movie. I wish Sebastian didn't die at the end too, but it actually makes sense because Kathyrn never does shit on her own. Her words about her ex were: "If there's an attack made on court, it could be traced back to me. And l can't allow that to happen. Everybody loves me, and I intend to keep it that way." So her reputation is everything to her, which is why she uses people like Sebastian and Ronald like her little puppets. She's truly evil. And so was Sebastian. Sure, he changed for Annette in the end, but that doesn't undo leaking the nudes of the first girl, the other girls he's fucked over, Cecile, everything he's done for sport and entertainment before Annette. Realistically, they couldn't fully redeem him, so from a writer's standpoint, self-sacrifice was the only way to go. I agree that particular moment should have been fleshed out more, but despite the annoyance of Ronald, it did make sense that she would fire him up and send him in Sebastian's direction. I wish they hadn't included the shit about Sebastian hitting her because I think if Kathryn had spun the story differently, like Sebastian had made it his mission to pursue Cecil and make her a another trophy of his, it would have been enough. I think the hitting thing is what threw you off rather than Ronald just being pissed that the girl he claims to love was essentially manipulated into giving up her virginity and toyed with for sport. (I say "claim to" because he slept with Kathyrn after knowing how Cecil felt about him. Honestly, they really should have left the bit with him and Kathyrn out of the movie to make his motives pure so the fight made more sense.)


I honestly think Sebastian got the ending that was necessary. He was not a good person. And just because he fell in love doesn't redeem what he did in the past


But, please, for your own self, do NOT watch the sequel with Amy Adams or the third movie.


Yep. Just because he decided to stop acting like an asshole for one woman that doesn't negate all of the horrible things he did to dozens of other women before.


a lot of your criticisms are valid. the movie is definitely rushed in some parts and the blatant homophobia and racism in the script is a little jarring and definitely hasn't aged well. but when this movie came out in its hey day...it was everything. people use to obsess over it. it was scandalous and provocative with a star studded cast. if you had seen the movie as a younger person back then you definitely would've appreciated it more... but i agree, watching it as a 30 something year old now I can definitely see clear flaws and problems with it. that being said, it's still a classic 90s film.

Zach Faulkner

I love this movie. I think you had an interesting alternative ending but I think why this ending fits more than your idea is Katherine is not the person who goes out and does bad things. She is the puppet master who manipulates other people into doing her dirty work for her. If she had been driving the car, even if people thought it was an accident and she never got exposed, she would be known at school as the girl who accidentally killed her brother. So she wanted to stay behind the scenes. As for her having no bruises when he hit her. I was in a previous abusive relationship where I was struck many times. Sometimes it left bruises, other times it didn't. So I think it's reasonable for her to not put it on. Although it would be easy to apply some makeup to look like a bruise and we do not see Ronald ever arrive at her house after that accusation, so we can imagine that after they got off the phone she did do some makeup to look battered. It's not a perfect movie but still was a favorite of mine as a youth and so it holds a special place in my heart

Fighter seVen'eiGht

Your ending would ruin Katherine's character. Katherine is not the type to act openly. She always goes through other people because he reputation means everything to her lifestyle. For her to suddenly try to run Annette over herself would make no sense after spending her entire life manipulating people. She barely leaves the confines of their Manhattan apartment the entire movie until the final scene. Everything she has done to Court byway of Cecille was through Sebastian. You see how she thinks? She wouldn't even directly strike out at Court because she did not want anything to lead to her. Remember how convoluted her plans were entirely due to always needing to keep her hands clean. Sebastian didn't have that problem. Being a man in high society he could afford to have a mixed reputation but she couldn't. Her trying to act directly would have ruined the plot.

Fighter seVen'eiGht

Absolutely. His death was the best outcome because it allowed Annette to have the positive resolution while his redemption came at a real cost. He was not the one I was rooting fir. It was more rooting against Katherine by that point buy he hardly deserved vindication even by that point in the film. Maybe if this were real life and there was more time for him to prove that he'd changed, however in reality all he'd done was fall in love. He'd likely have a long road of abusive and manipulative habits he'd have to lose. In fact the little Annette knew of him was perhaps the best version of him she'd likely ever see had he lived.