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It's never explicitly stated, but as the series goes on it's heavily implied that Sheldon is on the autism spectrum, so things like changes in routine and unfamiliar stimuli may bother him more than most people. He also has trouble navigating social cues and understanding how his actions affect other people because his thinking patterns are so different. Like when Priya tells him to just sit wherever and make himself comfortable, he's thinking, but I'm not comfortable with just sitting wherever without a plan, so your statement is confusing to me. I don't know if that helps with understanding where the character might be just a very unique person and not a complete dick.

Zoe Hart

I agree - I think you have to watch the show through that lens. Otherwise Sheldon just comes off as an insensitive jerk. It's like Saga in The Bridge - a reference most people won't understand though - but should.

Mariella Nilsson

The actor is from star treak next generation!