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Jenna Young

Yes, Bellamy would absolutely care if Octavia is killed by Pike or someone else and that's why he says you need to stop playing grounder before you get yourself killed because he doesn't want that for her as Octavia is Bellamy's entire world, taking care of her since he was young and it's all he's ever known because his mom pretty much forced it on him but he still took that responsibility seriously and which is why isn't that blind to let anyone harm his sister. Like I said I don't condone Bellamy's actions for going and helping to kill those 300 grounders, I hate that it turned out to be this storyline for him the most because this was supposed to be someone's, and when they could use it for two other characters they chose Bellamy instead because I guess in the writer's eyes it makes sense, the hostility that Bellamy has had for the grounders since they landed, the trauma and PTSD he's faced because of the grounders so he's the perfect person to choose for this with all he's been through and experienced at the hands of the grounders despite you know befriending Lincoln during those three months, which honestly hurts me because I could see Bellamy being really close to Lincoln because he's Octavia's love and he makes her happy so despite understand Bellamy's words in front of Lincoln and Kane, it still makes me completely and utterly sad. Then here comes the Bellarke Angst that I never enjoy everytime I watch it because it pulls at my heartstrings. i understand why Bellamy is angry in the beginning because he came to get her because he thought she was in danger but then he asked he to come home, she rejected that and just said "I'm sorry". i know he's trying to be tough but saying let her try is stupid and even I admit that. i disagree when he says "this is who I've always been" because deep down Bellamy is a good man with a good heart and whatever is going on right now is clouding his judgment, grief, trauma, and maybe even PTSD. i also know it is wrong for him to say "I won't let anyone else die for that mistake." after he along with 9 others have just killed innocents but when he says this, I believe he's talking about their people in this instance though we know what will happen if Lexa chose to attack Arkadia. It aches in my heart when he asks "you need me?" followed by "YOU left Me." because that's what she did, she left him alone having to deal with looking after their friends but dealing with his mental health too. the torture he endured, hanging upside down and being drained for his blood, having to keep everyone safe inside the mountain, pulling the lever with her, and dealing with all of that alone plus nightmares he was probably having about it all. i know it's wrong of him to say "people die when your in charge" when he just killed people but he is not wrong either, she let that missile bomb TonDC, especially Octavia, she makes that deal with Lexa, who betrays her and leaves them to die and to kill everyone helped them, especially the ones who helped him and trusted him like Maya and Vincent. Its made worse when she tries to apologize and say she knew she could leave because everyone else had him but that's only an excuse because only so much Bellamy could have done for everyone during those three months especially because he would have put them before himself even if it exhausted him and even took a toll on his mental health even when he was already dealing with so much. Then Gina came along, they got to know each other and they got close then obviously she became that light in the darkness for him, who helped him through it when he needed. even if it didn't show it outwardly in the show because she just shows up out of the blue after a time jump but I believe he loved her and she loved him and they loved each other. i love the tender moment between them looking at each other softly, holding each other's hands until Bellamy cuffs her to the table and its just like ugh. i know he's trying to do the right thing, cuffing her so that he's protecting her from herself and proceeding to take her to Pike until she shocks him with the shock baton which hurts me to see everytime!