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honestly agree with how they could’ve gone with the show after the main ones graduated but ugh i don’t know because i do have such a tie to the first season characters including quinn and puck that i would’ve wanted to see more of them and probably would always like them way more than any new characters. for example in teen wolf, you were upset that they were writing off stiles, scott and lydia in this last season and having liam and his group take over but they had their characters and storylines been building up for 2 seasons now but you still don’t like it because you were attached to the main characters ya know? so that’s how we would’ve all felt with glee if they did the same thing. it’s sad to say but the writers of glee really messed up after season 3 and right when they were getting back to good storylines, cory passed away and i think that ultimately threw the show out of the loop because they had everything planned on what to do and it was tied around with Finn. now we just have to take it as it is and enjoy the characters we’ve been following for 5 years now (timeline wise) and try to adjust to the new era of the show.


After season 3 ended there was suppose to be a spin off for new york with rachel finn and kurt and im not sure if there were other characters but that never happened and they decided to split the episode in half between both storylines

Veronica _R_T

I agree that show show takes a dramatic turn away from the original concept but like others said before there were so many extenuating circumstances like Cory's struggles that sadly lead to his death that changed the course of the show and they were never able to bounce back. With that being said, I do enjoy the characters for the most part that are featured in the New York arc of the show. We can either complain about what the show could have or should have been(I'm guilty of that too) or we can take the show for what it is right now and enjoy the show and the featured characters for what they are in this arc.

Mark Wood

Its difficult for shows to successfully add cast members and replace the entire cast (for the most part). Especially over what would be a relatively short period of time 3 to 4 seasons). I really can't thank of one that managed to do it successfully. Now adding one or two as happened. But even that isn't really easy. Historically has there ever been a high school set tv show, that has got rid of the full cast who graduate and replaced them for a US production (I know some shows outside the US have had success doing just that, but I can't thank of any in the US). Most I thank have generally followed the original cast as they grew up. And again the producers of the show were willing to give it ago. Have a spin off for some of the graduates and continue Glee in the High school setting, and add 6 or so characters, with the plan that you would add about 4 or 5 more the next year as the rest of the originals graduated. The studio said nope. Not going to happen. And the studio wanted to keep the setting, but also wanted to keep the cast that made the show Fox Networks biggest scripted hit for 3 years. The was outside of American Idol, Fox 's biggest program (and for a handful of weeks actually managed to score adults 18-34 and w 18-34 (not to mention teen) ratings that matched and even topped American Idol (it was the first program on Fox that ever managed that). When a show becomes huge, studios become exceedingly resistant to rocking the boat. They are much more likely to push the format when the ratings are low, then when they are high. The new cast (though I liked them) for the most part didn't attract anywhere near the same audience attachment as the originals. But the show was moving forward with Cory replacing Will while he continued his college career, and since the actor who played Will not to mention the actress playing Emma wanted to pursue other projects. But they would have keep doing a split story line, but would have cut even more of the older cast, save for guest appearances now and again. This was what they were prepping for during the summer break until word broke that Cory had passed away mid July. This was very near when filming was supposed to start for season 5. Scripts were in the can, and rough plots and characters arcs were mapped out. This all had to be reworked and scrapped and rewrites and completely new work ha to be created with no real lead time. The fact that any part of season 5 works is very surprising. Basically for the rest of the season you are playing catchup, and trying to rework the premise of a show is exceptional difficult even when having months when you aren't filming, but doing it during regular full production is a nightmare.

leslie martin

a bunch of things happened after season 3, sadly, Cory's problems and then him passing, Lea Michele being her real life partner and having to work comfortably with her bc of that, bunch of drama between the cast, working as hard and as closely they did for so many years, i'm not even surprised tbh! Heather Morris got pregnant so they had to write Brittany off, when she was a fan favorite! some actors began having other roles outside of glee so they had some schedule issues like Darren Criss going to broadway or Amber Riley on dwts... glee was so amazing bc for 3 seasons the show was strong and lead by an amazing and talented cast, but when they started "branching out in the real life world" just like their characters in s4, it started being a little weird! i still love it, i have some storylines that i hate in s4-5-6 but it still enjoy it for the most part bc it's still the cast we adore and the talent is still there! i don't think an "unknown cast" (at first) was ever THIS talented in the history of television... they literally had so many raw talents in that choir room and didn't even realize it at first!! (Santana, Brittany and Mike were just side character and look at them now!!) anyway.. from now on, i love s5! and i loved those Artie and Rachel performances, i wish we had more of them in the show bc their voices are so beautiful! (and truthfully, Artie should have been the lead male vocalist from the start lol)


I get what you mean ,dont really agree thought. For me personally "glee" was always the main cast (like rachel and kurt) I dont think i would it enjoy it with a new cast. Without the new york stuff, i would probably have stopped watching by season 4. I actually like the way the did season 4-5 with mckinley and new york. I also like it this way, i just really care about or original group.

I Am Not Chamari

Not to steal a line from a later episode, but Glee, to me, is about opening yourself up to joy. Sure, the original concept of the show was a high school Glee club and the magic that can happen when all different kinds of people join together and sing, but it’s also about people finding themselves and following their dreams. That’s why the New York storylines don’t bother me. I think shows that start with a high school setting struggle when they get into their fourth and fifth season, because naturally the original cast grows older and they need to graduate from high school. I do agree that Glee could have continued with much of the cast they were already building up, but as others said, production took a huge hit with the tragic passing of Cory and with the spin-off idea not getting green-lit. I think they tried with what they were given, and although I haven’t seen the rest of Season 5, I am looking forward to the New York storylines to see just how our favorite characters will fare with everything they learned from the Glee club and bring it to the Big Apple.


Maan I have always love glee since it aired years ago, but when they did THIS change, I didn’t like it at all, event the storylines are MEH. But don’t worry, season 6 is way better