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So about season rankings, this season is usually ranked towards the bottom, for a lot of the reasons you are feeling. This stones plot with Lana being a descendant of a witch just isn't it and didn't connect well with audiences. What saves the season are individual episodes which stand above the rest of the overarching plot. I personally always liked the episodes where Lois is more involved. But even without those, the episode with Clark and Lionel switching bodies, the flash episode, the two Alicia episodes, and some of the later episodes are pretty great. One of the good things is that this is the only episode from my memory completely dedicated to this stones plot. From now on, I think there are more regular case of the week plots vs. dedicating an entire episode to it. This episode makes me sad because it's the first episode to deal with the passing of Christopher Reeve and it is just saddled with this boring storyline. I do like that you saw a side of Lex willing to torture and some of his darkness. And Clark seems more resolute and a bit more hardened after not only losing Alicia recently but now losing Dr. Swann.

Thomas Becker

yeah, never liked this season either. story line is just too far out there. a couple of the remaining episodes this season are pretty fun. aside from the Alicia episodes this season is pretty much a dud. season five is better on average, but starting season 4, in my opinion, the quality of the show is less consistent. some very good episodes, some not so much. but some of my favorite episodes of the show are in season 5 & 6.


While I personally enjoy this season, it's hit or miss for a lot of people. One of the biggest problems with it is that Christopher Reeve's disrupted most of the planned plot lines for this season and future seasons. Not to be too spoilery but his character was originally supposed to have a major connection to Jason's mother that would have been explored in an episode he'd have guest appeared in had he not died and their backstory explored, as well as some more backstory on the stones and their connection to Isabelle. After Reeve's death the producers asked Margot Kidder to return to tell Clark of Swann's passing and this connection to advance the plot. Margot Kidder refused because she felt that it was tacky to ask her to come back to just tell Clark that Swann had died. She felt it was exploitative to use Reeve's boost ratings. The producers then dropped the Swann storyline for the time being and his connection to the Teagues and Isabelle. Instead, they wrote it into ARG content that they released online for fans who were into the mythology of Smallville. I personally feel if the fleshed-out story had made it into the show it would probably have boosted this season up to be one of the best.

john segun doe

I disagree, this ep was quite fun in my first viewing. It set up alot of the plot line to come such as the stones. The fighting sequence was also great to watch. Lana, this mundane small town girl possessed by her magically gifted ancestor who knew how to mix her martial arts with her magic lol. From here on out majority of the episodes up til season 9 are nothing but BANGERS imo. So strap in and be a little more open minded with lois and ejoy

Sonia Deepak

Yeah I also wasn't too into this season's main story line too much at this point. To echo the previous commenters, this season has some high highs and some low lows. The things I like about this season is Lois showing up, the Alicia stuff, Chloe finding out that Clark, Flash showing up (or rather impulse ) and there are couple episodes still to come which are good. So the ratings you found make sense.

Ray D

I'm with you. The Isabel Thoreaux storyline didnt really do much for me the first time either. This episode is really trying to push the overall mythology of Isabel and I dont much care for it? But I will say, being as vague as possible, the endgame for these stones is pretty cool and worth it in the end.

Daniel R

I think this season was the answer to "they should do more with Lana", and then we get this and now we want less Lana lmao. it's incredibly poetic

Daniel R

Season 9 is my favorite season

Tammy L. Faulkner

Yes, this is for sure one of the bottom seasons... My bottom three for sure, but... I personally enjoyed some parts and I felt like this is the season that kicks off the more enjoyable seasons. This season brings in answers to some questions as well as gives us more questions. In this season Chloe learns a little more about Clark. Lex acting a little more Lex like. Lionel acting stranger and more mysterious than ever... but why? We don't know until we know. Lois... my second favorite character in the series next to her cousin Chloe. Yes, she has her obvious flaws, but THATS Lois Lane. The army brat with that reporter noes and attitude to follow. But, she has plenty of lovable traits too. The stones are important so this was probably the way they thought would be fun to bring them in. I never mind the Lana stuff too much, but during that time Charmed was a big thing and Buffy was over so the witch thing was fresh and some of us had just followed without thinking too hard about it... maybe that was the thing that year. I liked it then because I wasn't thinking too hard about it and after 18 yrs have passed I still get a kick outta some things, but only cause I know the whole story now. All the answers behind the questions an such... Just like with Buffy, Angel, Supernatural, Doctor Who and Gilmore Girls. I see all the crap eps and think, I can now appreciate that... even the filler eps. If it's not your thing and it doesn't make sense then maybe eps can make up for that in the future. I don't think I can call this my least favorite season, but it is easy to understanding WHY ppl put it there. 4, 5 and 6 to me have too many negative points in my book, but they also have a lot of positive points I surely can't ignore. They all make me roll my eyes and they all make me smile. Looking forward to seeing what they do for you in the end... its an interesting journey.