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Paris’s family is broke, the episode where Rory did the USO DAR party Paris had to borrow money and work in catering to get by (she mentioned Yale was already paid for for the year). There is a slow build to some of these episodes, payoffs do come eventually. Parts of this episode do drag on but overall it definitely progressed the stories of everyone. One major complaint I have with this show is the lack of follow up with some plot lines, like you I want to see more about the fights/breakups/breakdowns, etc. not have someone rehash what happened later or only get bread crumbs and have to piece it together myself…it’s only one side of the story and there is more than enough time to shoot those scenes instead of watching Lorelai and Sookie walk down a sidewalk or watch Rory walk through her hallway 3 separate times in the same episode 🤷🏻‍♀️ Side note, Anna also appeared as Jess’s Dad’s girlfriend in the episode where Jess went to live with him in CA.


Paris doesn’t have money anymore. It came up in the episode where Rory was putting together the benefit dinner and Rory hired her as a waitress so she could earn some money. Her father had tax issues.

Mariella Nilsson

I LOVe that it was a bit more light hearted after the long period of conflict!


why am I only seeing the obvious green screen now?? (it really looks like the parody) this episode was painful :D I don't rewatch the episodes up from this point anymore so this should be interesting.