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Samantha Bailey

I don’t think True Love’s Kiss is what was needed. Nick and Juliette were not in a place where kissing each other would have worked, they weren’t even technically together. The whole episode after Chloe kissed Nick’s hand he wasn’t looking anyone in the eye for long. He was always staring off or just completely focused on Chloe. When he went to Juliette’s house for dinner they were never close enough for physical contact of any form and Nick wandered off when he started to hear Chloe’s voice in his head so he could stare at an image of her that wasn’t there in the window.

Fighter seVen'eiGht

You have to remember everything that's happened since he first told her. She's been under a love spell; she's had her memories erased; she's seen Nick drink the same potion Renard drank and what happened to him after that; she and Renard both drank antidotes and she's dealt with the visions that occurred before and after her memories egan to return. Hell, half of her house disappeared after she first drank the potion. So she's pretty much seen enough to know that alot of what he was saying which sounded overtly mystical to mundane Juliet seems to be now the only plaisible explanation to the things that she's seen and experienced. Her world has already changed enough to change her reaction. It's not as much of a leap to assume that Nick was telling the truth and wasn't crazy since tha will also mean that she isn't crazy as well.

Fighter seVen'eiGht

You have to remember everything that's happened since he first told her. She's been under a love spell; she's had her memories erased; she's seen Nick drink the same potion Renard drank and what happened to him after that; she and Renard both drank antidotes and she's dealt with the visions that occurred before and after her memories began to return. Hell, half of her house disappeared after she first drank the potion. So she's pretty much seen enough to know that alot of what he was saying which sounded overtly mystical to mundane Juliet seems to be now the only plaisible explanation to the things that she's seen and experienced. Her world has already changed enough to change her reaction. It's not as much of a leap to assume that Nick was telling the truth and wasn't crazy since that will also mean that she isn't crazy as well. So she doesn't necessarily need to see Wesen at this point to be convinced that everything isn't as simple as it seems anymore. And throwing Monroe and Rosalie's identity into this on top of it all may confuse her. As of now she's only seen a Wesen as a threat to Nick. Things have to be explained to her before they can reveal themselves and not seem like enemies. They're protecting themselves as well.