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Veronica _R_T

Thanks for the shout out David. Didn't I tell you the frustration would be on another level? And your reaction was tame compared to how I felt watching this live and having to wait weeks between each episode to see what happens next. I'm not happy with Castle bringing Jacinda to the precinct around Beckett but I do understand his motivation for doing so. Castle has been there for Beckett for years waiting on her terms in hopes of them being together. To find out that she knew he loved her and lied to his face several times when he asked was devastating to him. And unfortunately when Caslte shows his heart and is real but gets hurt his first instinct is to hid in the superficial. Jacinda has no power to hurt him like Beckett does. And I understand Beckett too. Castle is the first man since her mom died that she is willing to let down her walls for to have a real relationship with. That is scary for anyone but especially for a person like Beckett who has survived with having her walls and keeping her heart guarded. All I will say is try to enjoy this frustrating ride to the season finale. It is bumpy but I think it maybe worth it.


oh David, I feel you so much!! Castle and Beckett are made for each other, they just have to take the leap and dive in. Usually Castle's escapades can be annoying, but in this episode it makes so much sense. He just learned that Kate knows he loves her for months and never reacted in any way. He must feel like the biggest fool. It's definitely time for Beckett to make the move. And soon pls bc we're all running out of patience here ;)


I understand how Castle feels hurt by the fact that Beckett lied to him for so long. But I also feel irritated by his attitude. Castle also could have repeated his declaration to Beckett again. He never “‘manded up” and repeated that he loved her when she wasn’t at deaths door. I think it was quite cowardly of him not to say anything and put all the blame at her door.


I never viewed it as Castle blaming Beckett for not reacting to his confession. He is just deeply hurt that she a) lied to him and b) apparently doesn't feel the same way or at least doesn't want to be with him. So what is he supposed to do other than trying to move on? Why should he tell her again when she clearly knows that he loves her? Kate could've at any given point just said that she heard his love confession and that she is not ready yet to be with him bc of all the trauma surrounding her mother's death and her own near-death-experience. He would've understood that and given her time, but this way he has no clue where he stands with her so he's trying to move on.

Veronica _R_T

I agree with Maria. It's not about "maning up". From his point of view he knows Beckett heard him and she not only didn't say anything but she lied. I wouldn't be eager to put my heart on the line again either after that and profess my love again. He was dead wrong for flaunting Jacinda in Beckett's face. I don't blame Beckett either for her actions but like Lanie said if she wants to move forward she has to make the next move. Side note I love how we are still so passionate about this after all these years and we know the outcome. It just shows how these final episodes sparked so much debate even back then.


I think I may have not expressed myself very well. I agree with you that Castle has every right to feel the way that he does at this moment. I too would feel angry and embarrassed and think that Beckett probably doesn’t feel the same way. The point I was trying to make was that he had an entire year to have a conversation with Beckett and say “hey im in love with” and not say it when she is dying. For all Beckett knew it could have been in the heat of the moment and it is not something he wanted to seriously per-sue. I personally don’t put much stock into confessions of that type that have no follow up. Castle tried while she was still in the hospital, you know when she was still traumatized from being shot but after not again. And Its not like he can blame “the interrupters” (rysposito) for ruining the moment. I also feel that Beckett alluded to not being ready when they had the conversation at the swings, using their favorite language, you know “subtext” and I felt that Castle got it. Like I said before I ain’t mad at Castle just a little. Irritated. But mainly like you said very frustrated at the whole situation! 😅😝


I love your comment on the passion of Castle fans! We were/still are quite intense! Lol. There was indeed a lot of debate back then about these episodes. I really love the Castle fandom will quite rabid we are also very respectful to each other. On a totally different note, I think, if everything goes to plan, and I counted correctly, we should get the gilmore girls season 6 finale and the castle season 4 finale the same week and I could just die! Both are excellent finales and im super excited!


Castle GANgggg