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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



I absolutely love the first episode of Season 2……but unlike almost everyone else in the world, I liked Season 1 way better lol.


I personally liked season 1 better too, but season 2 is still incredible :) I feel like everyone else prefers season 2 though


The gun shot worked because it broke Vanya's concentration on the sound of her heartbeat (which she was using to resonate her powers with). A sudden sound out of nowhere made her jump, therefore, interrupting the steady sound she was following and breaking her concentration. Also, if someone shoots a gun next to your ear like that, it could burst your eardrum so that's another added layer to her concentration being broken.


Honestly Luther caused it because every sibling but him wanted to get her out of solitary. Also when her powers take full effect she’s in a disassociated state. She would have never harmed anyone if she was in control


Also I’m hoping you might consider watching misfits on Hulu. Robert Sheehan, klaus, is awesome and it’s great


Yeah Vanya's powers are she uses sound and coverts it into kinetic energy. So the car engine sound when she beat up the guys, the windchimes when she sliced Allison's throat and she used her own heartbeat when she broke out of the cage. So Allison shooting the gun in her ear messed up her hearing so she couldn't use sound. Also The White Violin is Vanya's comics name as she literally looks like a white violin.


Need that s2