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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


codenamewitch xx

A super fascinating and funny podcast just came out about the making and experiences on the set of OTH. It is hosted by the three main actresses that play Peyton, Brooke, and Hailey. They are rewatching the series episode by episode together. Not sure if they plan on entering spoiler territory but if you are a fan of the show I would recommend checking it out!!

codenamewitch xx

Another thing worth knowing is that nearly every single actress, many of the female writers, and even some of the male actors came out against the show’s creator after the show was of the air. The shows creator, Mark Schwahn (backed by a team of only male producers and execs) sexually harassed many of the female stars and created an often toxic environment. As much as I love OTH, I think it is important to address and recognize this!

emily ღ

i don't think lucas and nathan are quite "there" yet for there to have been a huge emotional/brotherly moment. they were never raised around one another and were virtually strangers to each other up until a few months ago with their interactions being very terse at best. there's still growth that needs to happen on both ends for the emotional pull to really be there. i still think it was very big of nathan to go, even if it was under the guise of doing it for haley. him being there was for haley, but the moment his hand twitched and it looked like he wanted to reach out and hold lucas' hand, i think in that moment, it wasn't about being there for haley. that small little moment spoke volumes to me. in that moment, it was nathan wanting to reach out and hold his brother's hand. it was quiet, simple, but spoke volumes. i think haley was supposed to be the mouthpiece for the fanbase when she gave payton her understanding. we're supposed to be rooting for peyton and maybe the writers could sense that that was very weak and decided to push it a bit more with haley, who is sort of the "the voice of reason" on the show. it seemed a bit out of character, especially after her blowing up at lucas and her coldness to peyton at the start. i think it was another push on the writers' part to make us go "ooh she's right! we SHOULD give peyton our understanding." i loved the scene with peyton and nathan though, showing how much they have grown in their own ways. i think in spite of all her faults, it was very big of petyon to admit haley was the better of the two of them and pushing nathan to fix things with her because peyton could see how much of a better person he'd become at haley's side. i thought overall it was a very beautifully done episode, in spite of some of the drama moments lol


I LOVE this show but man this episode was painfully slow and heavy on the dramatics considering very little happens for most of it lmao. Can't wait for the second half of season 1/season.


Also, I have never been on Peyton's side in this situation. Lucas and Peyton are just wrong for this.


Trust me besties like i’ve said before I never was team peyton even if the writers tried to make the audience team peyton, I never fell for it. In my opinion if anyone agreed with Peytons actions then they would do the same thing to their bff 💀💀


Don't spoil this. It kinda ruins the experience. Maybe do it after they finish.


i forgot how many slow paced episodes there were in season 1 lol. also, i agree with your take on dan taking lucas to the hospital last episode. the alternative was literally letting him die. not really that impressive. people love to give him credit for doing exactly what any normal, sane human would do in the same situation lol. what would've actually been impressive is if he'd visited him in the hospital while he was there. but he didn't.

I Am Not Chamari

Peyton was a much better friend to Haley than she was to Brooke this episode, that's for sure. But feelings and emotions cloud judgment. I don't think it is fair to be on "teams" at this point. Before the cheating, sure, but now it is super obvious that Peyton and Luke are in the wrong, but that doesn't mean you can't empathize with Peyton. I prefer Peyton as a character for an amalgamation of reasons, but no one really agrees with her actions, I don't think. It's just not a reason to hate her. I just think Peyton and Lucas, at this point, are a superior pairing to Brooke and Lucas. Lucas didn't even tell Karen about Brooke but Karen has heard so much about Peyton from him. That's trifling if anything. So, I want her to be with Lucas, but I also don't think the way is happening is fair or right at all.


I try to objective for the most part but it’s hilarious to me how though when the “butBrooke always knew Peyton liked him” squad comes out. Cause I’m like, oh you mean back when Peyton refused to pursue him and when she was already in a relationship with Nathan?


They make it seem like they wouldn’t have done surgery if a parent wasn’t there. Unfortunately in emergency situations there’s often no one to give consent, so 2 drs signing off on a procedure is done instead. No one is like hey this person is bleeding out, have we found someone to give us the ok yet?


Nathan going to see Lucas and Lucas waking up is one of my favourite moments! I don't agree with what Peyton and Lucas did but can still feel for Peyton in this episode. I feel bad for both Brooke and Peyton. It's pretty hard to watch knowing that Brooke doesn't know about the cheating and she is being such a good person to the people who did her so dirty. I am still on the “but Brooke always knew Peyton liked him” squad but i can still agree that what they did was really bad. I don't agree with how Brooke went after Lucas still knowing that Peyton liked him but I did end up liking her and Lucas together. That's why this whole cheating storyline sucks and i feel like it would have been better to have Peyton tell Brooke immediately how she really felt. Either way what they did was wrong and if i am on a "team" in this situation, it's obviously Brooke's team! Even if i prefer Lucas and Peyton.


I saw Haley saying that to Peyton as her not feeding Peyton’s already big insecurity and shame. That doesn’t take away from Peyton being totally in the wrong here.


I always viewed it as they never thought he would do even that in such a situation. So they’re surprised. And more than Karen saying thank you didn’t happen anyways.


I feel like it doesn't matter even if Brooke did know Peyton liked him unless they agreed not to date people they other one likes. Brooke liked Lucas and said so to Peyton from the very beginning. Peyton secretly liked Lucas but was dating Nathan and then kept denying it once they broke up. If a friend and I liked a guy for roughly the same amount of time and she kept refusing to make a move and didn't tell me not to date him, I'd probably take my shot. I'd also need to be understanding if I was the one denying things and not making a move but also knew my friend liked the same guy. It's crazy how this is a hot button issue on the show years later. They really did know how to bring the drama lol.