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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



I love the troll + bridge aspect. Very cool aspect from the classic fairytales. I’m not sure how I feel about beavers portrayed as cowards. I live around a lot of them and they’re no cowards.

Samantha Bailey

Nick and Monroe knowing each other in high school would not work. Nick and Juliette have been together for years so Monroe being Nick's best friend since high school and her never having met or heard of him would work. When they change in front of Nick it is an emotional response.

Samantha Bailey

They loose control of their emotions for a spit second and that is when Nick notices. They are afraid of Grimm's because of what Nick's ancestors have always done which is hunt them down and kill them without question. Monroe said in the beginning of the season that his parents used to tell him bedtime stories about Grimm's and what they did to wesen. Nick is essentially the boogeyman to all wesen, which is why they all fear him.

Fighter seVen'eiGht

Yeah, the guy at the beginning of the episode didn't actually know that Nick was a Grimm until Nick saw him change. They'll explain it again in a future episode.