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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation

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Buffy doesn't break out of the alternate reality by choosing Sunnydale, she just makes her choice and then tells Willow that she needs another batch of the antidote. Buffy also isn't brain dead at the end, she's in a catatonic state (which is refreshingly an actual symptom of schizophrenia) which is what she's almost always in except for the times where she "leaves" Sunnydale so when she goes to LA after killing Angel, both times she died, etc. Those are the times when she becomes lucid and were the previous false hope that the doctor and Joyce kept referring to. I personally really like the way this episode was set up but I wouldn't be opposed to a longer arc. That said though I don't think the mental illness level should have been toned down for a longer arc. Like just going to a therapist isn't enough. If you believe the alternate reality is the real reality, then Buffy is experiencing a 6-year delusion of grandeur with hallucinations, paranoia, and an almost constant state of catatonia which is very severe and definitely warrants Buffy being in an in-patient facility. I also liked at the end that they left off on the alternate reality because it does leave you with the question, which one is real? Buffy chose Sunnydale but that doesn't mean it's real.


SMG kills another episode. She's so great in this. I love that you were turned away for the credits and missed that Joyce was going to be in it.


What exactly could they explore in a whole season of this concept that wasn't explored in the episode? Sounds like it would make for a meandering season. It's fun for an episode but honestly just going through everything and saying "yup, she's insane" would get old real quick. And I'm just going to say it, I've yet to see any comments that say they love the Buffy Spike thing. Majority of comments have been explaining that you're not suppose to like this "relationship" because it's toxic. The show is exploring a toxic relationship and how it relates to mental health. People explaining that to you does not equate to being a cheerleader for this "relationship." So I get why people are getting frustrated with you when you keep using words like romance to describe what's happening. Hopefully you'll have a better understanding by the end of the season.

Kyle Jordan Ashley Brown

This is a personal fav of the season ☺️ Say what you want about this season, Buffy's arc has been amazing. And this episode she finally accepts her place and gets to say goodbye to her mum. That final conversation always gets to me 🥰 Xx

s jaco

I love this episode, top 10 for me. The acting is just so good. and I like the concept of this episode. I wouldn't have wanted it as a series finale, but I think it's a perfect fit for this season. Especially with everything that has happened and how unhappy buffy is.


This is a good one. And I agree... a mini arc with this concept would’ve been awesome. As for if season 6 is the worst season... it’s in my bottom 3 for sure but I don’t think it’s THE worst and I do think that is largely in part due to the last like 5 episodes of the season. I have a feeling you are going to like the direction the season will go coming up here soon.


I agree that it would have made a really cool longer arc. There is a TV series built around a similar concept (Odyssey, a Canadian kids' show that ran from 1992-1994), so I guess the showrunners might have considered the idea to not be novel enough... but there's no way for me to know for sure.

Marshall Dante Robertson

I had fun with this reaction because this is one of my favorite episodes of Buffy period. I totally agreed with Steven about it being sort of like a mini arc, but MINI mini, it shouldn't have been an entire season or even the finale. One thing I wished you would've picked up was how this episode was literally the meta commentary of not only the season but the entire series thus far. Specifically when it comes to the themes of the season. When the doctor said now all Buffy has to fight now are these 3 pathetic little men after fighting a GOD, that summed up the "point" of The Trio, as somebody eloquently stated in episodes prior. This season is a look inside Buffy's mental state. She's been stuck inside this rut ever since she's gotten back, "I've been so lost, so detached" is what she says ever since her major depression started. So it would make sense that she couldn't handle a bunch of nerdy incels. The writers here are explicitly telling you this was all part of the plan. If you really look at it, the Trio, despite their importance later on, isn't really that much of a focus. The characters personal sagas are the main arcs for this season, Joss himself stated that "Life is the Big Bad" of season 6. But my favorite part of Buffys arc actually happens here. Near the end when Joyce says to her "you've got a world of strength in your heart, you just have to find it again" it spoke volumes to me as someone who lives and deals with depression every day. A lot of this season Buffy hasn't even tried to heal herself. She's thrown herself into the darkness and despair which is what a lot of us do when things seem hopeless. So by her choosing Sunnydale as her reality, for the first time, Buffy's made a clear choice to stay and fight her inner demons, the only true way to heal. She's only hinted at wanting to get better in the past like when she says "I guess I dont wanna die, that's something right?" at the end of Gone. Now, you'll see her actively choosing life, instead of always walking towards death. It's such a fascinating way of looking at depression as a whole, that's why I love this season so much.

Stephanie Bedworth

For me, this is not even close to the worst season. That would be season 1.

Nikita Pascari

They straight up left that door open forever

Eric Haefele

To my mind they could have had this thread going thru all 7 seasons and left doubt in everyone's mind what was real in this universe and what was not.


i think s4 is pretty awful aswell (ironically it does have some of the best filler episodes)


i remember a blooper when spike and xander are fighting in the graveyard and they get up in eachothers faces and they pretend to kiss. literally cant take that scene seriously anymore 😂😂

Calvin Allen

Season 7 is the worst for me. And they is mostly because of one very infamous moment. (Although season 7 has lots of good parts and episodes


There is another show that actually has a similar episode as this. I believe this episode was actually inspired from the other show, but...I don't want to spoil. So I do hope you watch that series in the future. Fingers crossed!