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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



Naley 🥰🥰 team brooke! Never been a fan of Peyton specifically because of this storyline sadly.

emily ღ

never been in this situation, but re: the girl code; to me i also think it comes down to comfort levels. like yeah maybe someone didn't date someone else but if they have feelings and are uncomfortable then that should be taken into consideration by the friend. HOWEVER, brooke has tried so, so many times to get a read on payton. she even said here she would never let lucas come between them no matter what, even if he makes her happy. brooke would 100% respect and take peyton's feelings into consideration but peyton never is open with her which kind of negates the whole "girl code" thing. brooke is constantly being told directly from peyton that she's fine, that she's okay, and there's only so much brooke can do. especially when peyton has pretty much told her she has her blessing. so while i think if brooke knew what peyton's feelings are, it should be respected, the fact is, peyton hasn't been honest with her and that isn't brooke's fault. (edit) ahh, i hint enter too early. but yeah, brooke genuinely doesn't know what is in peyton's head and that's more so a peyton problem than a brooke problem. also i'm so happy you are both opening up to nathan and seeing the different sides to his character. i was feeling so over protective of him at the start of your reactions lol but yeah, seeing him stand up to dan was just so, so good!!! it also showed how immature dan is. here is he telling nathan not to make a scene and talking about the incident with deb like nathan had thrown a tantrum when in reality, nathan would have been okay to just play golf with his dad but dan had to constantly make such snotty little comments. it's definitely interesting to see that breaking away from his dad. his line "i almost killed myself for you" or whatever he said spoke volumes. at the start he was so into wanting to impress his dad and be good enough for him, this whole mess was like a huge eye-opener for him, and he's realized now just what he was doing to try to gain that approval. not just in regards to the drugs but in his treatment of others. especially when he called out dan for being nothing more than a bully. his face right after he was short with hailey on the phone spoke volumes. he used to want to do anything to gain his dad's approval. now he can look at that and realize that the sort of person who gains dan's approval is not the sort of person he wants to be.

I Am Not Chamari

I think the thing about the “girl code” when applied to the situation is that it’s clearly not about dating, but about whether someone has feelings for someone else, then you shouldn’t date that person. At the end of the day, I wish Peyton would have just told her directly that she has feelings for Lucas. Because at this point, Brooke definitely knows, and sure, it puts her in a crappy position, but I think it would just save a lot of drama. I also think it’s important to note that Peyton wasn’t expecting Brooke to actually date Lucas, which is probably jarring for her. So, it’s a double whammy thing. The Peyton/Jake thing in the end is,,, something. But, I just think she finds the whole thing with Jake enchanting. Peyton is basically alone and I think she desperately wants a family, so the whole Jake and Jenny thing is alluring, which is why it seems like it happened so fast there.


I don’t feel like girl code is only if ur dating someone. If I see that my best friend is really into the same guy as I am but the guy seems more into her than me. I would 100% back off. Brooke says so herself that she sees how much they like each other and even tries to ruin it by making Nathan and Lucas believe that Peyton wants Nathan back. Why would she do that if she didn’t know that Peyton and Lucas had a thing for each other. It pretty obvious. Even if my friend said to me that she was over the guy next week and that I should go for it, I wouldn’t do that. One because I know that’s not true and two I know that the guy likes her back. I wouldn’t put myself through that. Plus the way Lucas describes Peyton to Haley shows that he is still hurt by what Peyton did to him. I think he chose Brooke because of that reason. I don’t think Brooke is a bad person, I just think that she wanted Lucas enough to not care if Peyton likes him too. I think Brooke did break the girl code. That being said if Peyton decides to go after Lucas now she is in the wrong because Lucas chose Brooke and that would also be breaking the girl code. Brooke 100% knows why Peyton is acting the way she is in this episode. I think she is to scared to ask the right question because she likes Lucas so much. That’s why when she asks Peyton what’s wrong, she makes it about her and Peyton not about Peyton and Lucas. People can say that Brooke can’t read Peyton's mind etc so why did Brooke feel the need to ask Peyton more than once if it was ok for her to go after Lucas? I think it’s because she knows exactly how Peyton is and that it’s hard for her to open up. She knows Peyton likes Lucas but she wants Peyton to say it’s fine even though she knows Peyton does not mean it. If Brooke didn’t know this she wouldn’t have had to ask more than once. Peyton should have told the truth in that last moment tho.

Jeremy Burch

I feel like I'm pretty much team Brooke, I don't think Brooke did anything wrong. I might disagree with the believe that Brooke doesn't know that Peyton likes Lucas, I think Brooke definitely knows, she's far to smart not to know, that's why she tried to manipulate Nathan and Peyton into trying to get back together at the party and why she keeps asking if Peyton's alright with everything because she definitely knows. However, she has also made it clear right from when she saw Lucas that she likes him and has never hidden that, she's also tried many times to get Peyton to open up and tell her how she feels, but Peyton, at first being scared of how she felt and now not wanting to hurt Brooke, keeps denying everything. So, what is Brooke supposed to do with that, she's made it clear she likes Lucas, Lucas likes her and Peyton denies being bothered by any of it, so I am definitely onboard with Brooke and Lucas. However I do understand that Peyton has a lot of issues, has never really had a serious relationship where she's let someone in and Lucas came on far to strong, so she got scared and pushed him away. Obviously she liked him and her feelings never went away, but she waited to long and now Lucas and Brooke are together, but you can't shut your feelings off just like that so, of course it sucks for her to see her best friend and the guy she likes dating. Side note I've never liked what Lucas said about not choosing Peyton, the way he talked about not being interested in her 'drama' and 'issues', I've always felt it was a bit dismissive of her actual issues like the fact that her mom is dead and her dad's not around and she pretty much raises herself alone, it also made it sound a little like he chose Brooke out of spite towards Peyton, which annoyed me a little.


That's exactly how i feel about what Lucas said about Peyton! I do think he chose Brooke because Peyton hurt him and he is for sure not over it. I feel like it's Lucas who is more in the wrong than the girls. He knows they are best friends and he knows how he actually feels.


They do actually play a lot of gavins songs in the show. Like belief, soldier etc


I forgot how much Haley use to throw shade at Brooke (and low key slut shame her too) in season 1. Acting as though Lucas dating her is so outrageous even though she’s dating Nathan... who at this point has done way more heinous shit than Brooke has.


I think the entire Brooke/Lucas/Peyton triangle situation is very complicated and not at all black and white. That's why it's good. You can understand all three of them. As for the "girl code", if my bff hooked up with a guy and now I'm interested in him I would ask her if that is okay with her (which Brooke did!). Peyton now isn't saying anything bc she doesn't wanna ruin it for Brooke. So I get both pov.


oh definitely! Lucas is not at all taking into account how this could potentially hurt Brooke and Peyton's friendship. at the point in the show where we are I was ok with it though bc he's 16 years old and allowed to not have that emotional maturity yet.


I feel it was because she was more team Peyton then Brooke because she didn’t really know her and didn’t really think Brooke truly liked lucas but we see her stick up for Brooke in later episodes 😊


i've seen the series many times so i know that, but i was trying to avoid commenting on future events since commenting on things that haven't happened yet is the same as posting spoilers. my point is that i forgot how rude haley was about it at this point in season 1. also, knowing the reason why she's doing it doesn't justify it imo. she can be team peyton without shaming brooke. especially considering haley herself is dating mr. hit and run.

Mariella Nilsson

Agree, girl code is more that you don’t go after someone your friend likes. And it was obvious that Peyton liked Luke, but Brooke on the other hand messed around with guys she didn’t like so she Maby didn’t get how much peyton liked Lukas.

Mariella Nilsson

Girl code is more not going after someone that your friend likes. And pewton and brooke kind of started to like him at the Same time, so really, they sholdn’t Go after him but let some time pass.. n the other hand peyton and Luke got physical first so brooke shouldn’t go after him after that, but I don’t think she knew,


Personally I don't think Brooke is doing anything wrong, she liked Lucas from the start and always made that clear to Peyton but when she kind of knew Peyton had a thing for him she would encourage her. After time passed and Peyton didn't show any interest in Luke and Brooke still did she had every right to go after him. Brooke is not a mind reader, Peyton hasn't confessed to her that she likes Luke and wants him and I don't blame her for that either I am sure thats a hard thing to do but I think Brooke deserves to be happy with someone she genuinely really likes. Personally I think both of them could do better but oh well. I adore Nathan though and I love the scene of him sticking up for himself and going off on Dan. Can't wait for you guys to get deeper into the season!


I think Haley was just pointing out that Brooke hasn't been in a serious relationship before and that's why she can't imagine that she wants that with Lucas now, which is presumptious yes but slut shaming? She never shamed her for having sex, just that she doesn't see Lucas and Brooke having a real romance bc that hasn't been her thing in the past.


haley doesn't know brooke though. so she shouldn't be commenting on her relationship history in the first place. and i think it's possible to slut shame a woman without flat out calling them a slut. her laughing at lucas being with brooke and acting as though she can't believe he would date someone like HER is shaming a bit imo. she also called brooke "nice and easy" in this episode. pretty clear what she meant by that. at the very least she's being extremely judgemental of someone she doesn't know -- and that isn't good either. again, haley can be pro peyton without throwing shade at brooke.


Girl code stuff is weird. It's as toxic as guy code. While I'm in agreement Brooke's not done anything wrong... y'all need to empathize with Peyton a little more. She's been through some shit and while Brooke is lonely too because of her parents neglect, she at least makes her situation work by using her rich parents to finance her little comforts. While Peyton mainly deals with her shit alone. Brooke regularly seeks comfort in boys. (again nothing wrong with that, but she has coping methods that Peyton doesn't have the luxury of dealing with). Her mom dying and she feels responsible while her dad is never around because of work. Idk... I just think Peyton gets too much hate when her biggest crime so far is being scared of something real because of her abandonment issues. Brooke on the other hand has the confidence to pursue Lucas unapologetically and more power to her. But it aint like Peyton only wants Luke cause Brooke's got him. She realized she screwed up. Plus, Lucas came on hella strong that night. Pretty sure Brooke would've ran off if that happened the first time they were about to have sex. Plus, there's the other huge thing... which I can't talk about cause its spoilers. But if you know, you know... bottom line. Be nicer to Peyton. Hilarie Burton herself had to endure a lot of crap for that role, both by the fans and the jerkoff creator who's been canceled since. Lol #TeamPeytonButAlsoBrookesCool


Something I don't think a lot of reactors/viewers in general know is that each episode title is named after a song or an album. "You gotta go there to come back." Is an album by Stereophonics.

Clara Gros-Louis

You don’t think that she knew ? Brooke literally said “Peyton, why don’t you show us how you really feel, kiss Lucas”, so yeah , she knew 😂


She clearly doesn't know. She asked so many times. At best, she knows Payton had an attraction for Luke which ended in episode 8 when Payton told her that it ended in about 5 min. After which Brooke asked what is wrong and how she feels 100 times and Payton always told her she is cool with him and Brooke. Brooke at best knows she had an attraction and it didn't worked out when they tried to hook up.


She clearly doesn't know. She asked so many times. At best, she knows Payton had an attraction for Luke which ended in episode 8 when Payton told her that it ended in about 5 min. After which Brooke asked what is wrong and how she feels 100 times and Payton always told her she is cool with him and Brooke. Brooke at best knows she had an attraction and it didn't worked out when they tried to hook up.

Lucile Byrd

I am sorry, I just do not understand how in this situation anyone can honestly believe that Brooke is at fault and Peyton is blameless. The girl code thing is a little annoying, and this is coming from someone who has been in a similar situation. I liked a guy and my best friend knew this but she still went out with him and it royally sucked because I really liked him and she knew that, but we never dated, so it was something I had to eventually get over. But, in the scenario of the show, it is a little different. To say that Brooke should not have gone after Lucas because Peyton liked him while denying her feelings is ridiculous by itself, but every person using this against Brooke is constantly ignoring that Brooke has made her interest in Lucas known while Peyton was still dating Nathan. So maybe as Brooke's best friend, she shouldn't have gotten herself into that situation of almost sleeping with Lucas just a week after breaking off a long term relationship with his brother. Up to this point Peyton has not really done anything wrong either, and I understand it hurts to see someone you like with someone else, especially if that someone is your best friend, but if anyone is not being a great friend here, it is Peyton.

Leora Nechama

Great reaction. I joined patreon to see more of your OTH reactions so I hope we get some more (I do like other shows you watch but this one's my favorite and there are so few people reacting to it). I'm definitely "team Brooke". She genuinely likes Lucas, and Peyton continually denied having feelings for him. Brooke's an amazing friend to her.