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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation

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Valencia Lanier

Lindsey is trippin. She ain’t working at all and Dean quit school to make more money for them. So yeah, not on her side at all. She either needs to work or at least go to school. Jess was a messenger, a bike messenger I think. And yeah TJ started that fight with Jess. It wasn’t called for. I don’t like Jess either but TJ was trippin. As for Luke, I love that he realized how he feels about Loreli in that scene and said Whoa lol. Also, I think Luke is just starting slow. Baby steps. Especially since he knows she just got out of a relationship and he just got divorced.

Ina Durcekova

Maybe Luke asking Lorelai to come to a wedding isn't such a big deal, but if you think about it, Luke never initiates spending time with her, everytime they are together, it's either due to the external circumstances (he serves her coffee) or it's Lorelai who initiates, so for him it's a step forward.


Exactly! He keeps it cool and casual, but him initiating to hang out with her without any specific neccessity is very new. But I guess we'll just let you wait and judge for yourself.


The Lindsey and Dean fight just proves they got married way too young. She doesn't even know what she wants to do with her time and Dean is so busy supporting her that he doesn't even take care of himself. This just isn't working. I think that fight between Jess and TJ was kinda harmless. TJ was drunk and throwing Jess's book was rude, but it wasn't that big of a deal. It just led us to Luke's realisation that he has to let Jess live the way he wants to, even if he thinks it's wrong. Jess needs to figure it out for himself. You can see Jess's growth here too. He came to the wedding even though he didn't want to bc it was important to Luke. He even opened up a little explaining why he didn't wanna come in the first place. I know it's not much, but you can see it's there and he wants to become a better, more open person.


You're not wrong about Lindsay. The more screentime she gets, the worse she comes across. That said, the REAL problem with Dean's marriage, imo, can be traced all the way back to that "Donna Reed" episode, where we learned that Dean dreamed of having that idyllic old-fashioned marriage dynamic of the old 50's-'60's TV shows. He wanted a wife like that - a happy homemaker who loves nothing more than to cook dinner for her husband, plan social outings, etc. while he brings home the bacon. And with Lindsay, he found a girl who wanted the same thing. She's not working, because she wants to be that happy homemaker (hence her trying to learn to become a great cook. FOR Dean). The problem is, they're both a couple of kids who had no idea how naive and romanticized their ideas of that marriage were. They had NO CLUE how much work it would take to achieve anything resembling the kind of life they dreamed of, and thus, they're both now struggling and completely miserable. So of course they unfairly lash out and take their unhappiness out on each other on a regular basis. This is a great, and sadly realistic and common example of why people are encouraged not to get married that young. They both needed a taste of living in the real world and how hard it can be to become SELF-sufficient before they jump right into sharing their life and supporting another person. And yes, that was a BIG moment for Luke. He's never been the initiator before. You could tell Lorelai was a little thrown off by it too, even if she doesn't know why.


Okay I'll try be as cohesive as possible. First I understand why some like yourself don't like the interior of the inn, but I personally LOVE it! It's cute, cozy and has a homey feel. I think when you see it all finished, you won't notice the wallpaper as much, but that might just be me! :p The Jason thing. I completely agree with you. People act like he stabbed his father in the back. He didn't. He got sick fed up of being degraded and demeaned by his father, being called Digger at work even though his dad knows Jason hates it. Talking down to him and not being taken seriously. The only time his dad had any serious respect for his son was after Jason said "Fuck you" and left. He had every right to do that and take what he brought in with him. People also act like Jason should of disclosed his relationship with Lorelai, but why? She asked him not to, was he supposed to just go over her head? He was literally between a rock and a hard place there. I still can't believe Richard decided to screw over the guy who helped him build his business. Say what you like about Jason, but no one can deny he really helped Richard with the business! So for Richard to leave him with nothing and go back to the guy who pushed him out on his ass is mind-blowing! The whole reason whatever his name is did that underhanded intimidation tactic is because he knew he'd lose the lawsuit if they decided to fight it. Jason did nothing wrong! He only took the people that HE brought in which he is well within his right to do so! Richard shouldn't of used his pension without talking to his wife first, that was stupid. All the people saying "Jason can start over, he's young!" Um.... What?! His reputation has been completely DESTROYED by Richard and whatshisface! They've badmouthed him to everyone he was connected to, and everyone is now ghosting him! He literally has nothing! I really don't understand how people blame him for this at all? Paris honey, your 19 years old! He's had a string of ex-students in the past because he's a total fucking creep! Please stop looking at him like he's some God or whatever, it's so gross! Lindsey was being totally unfair. Calling him selfish? Does she hear herself?! Dean is working his ass off, given up school for YOU to have your dream home! Grow up! If you want the perfect townhouse, you need to help out financially and get a job! Or stop whining that you can't hang with your friends (which you would of been able to do if you didn't get married right out of high school!) I love that Jess came for Luke. It shows he really does care about what Luke thinks of him deep down. I know he asked her out kind of lame (sorry Luke but it was!) but that was a big leap for him to do that! I love the 'sleeping with the zucchini' scene. It was strange sure, but cute. As crazy as Liz and TJ are, and as bonkers as he is, he definitely calms her down and they do work as a couple. I think TJ just knows that Liz would be hurt if Jess rejects the idea, but he definitely went about it the wrong way. Jess has plenty good reasons to be cautious about his mothers new guy/marriage, he's been there, done that and it never worked out great in the past. I like Liz but I also know she was a shitty mom to Jess, which caused him to act out (probably hoping it would cause her to actually want to be a parent), but all she did is ship him off to his uncle he's barely seen, which must of hurt him. I think punching him was a bit of an overreaction from Jess. I think Luke grabbed Jess to get him out of trouble? If it escalated the lot of them could of ended up spending the night in jail.


oh this ending 😅 it was a big deal for Luke to try something at all and now he has a feeling of achievement that he is on the right path that's why he gave Jess the books. so he's taking the long way around and it may not be clear to Lorelai but I think this is perfect for them. i still have mixed feelings about this season's ending so I can't wait for your reaction 😅

Mariella Nilsson (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-08 19:17:04 Jason took clients, didn’t tell his father that he was leaving and HIMSELF Said he wanted to screw over his father. So he 100% did screw his father, that was according to him his intent and how he sold the Idea to Richard! He didn’t tell his father about his plan, so he 100% DID it behind his fathers back, and my point is Jason KNEW how his father would react, and was unbelivably stupid to not se it coming, given all we are told about his father being a ruthless buisiness man! Poke the bear, it WILL attack! As a buisiness man Jason of course has every right to sue, but then Richard 100% didn’t have a choice. Why should he gamble emilys future on the small chance that Jason could fix it? Richard really did not have choice. Would Jason really expect Richard and Emily to risk everything they had at their age, because his father went after them?
2021-06-02 17:31:37 Jason took clients, didn’t tell his father that he was leaving and HIMSELF Said he wanted to screw over his father. So he 100% did screw his father, that was according to him his intent and how he sold the Idea to Richard! He didn’t tell his father about his plan, so he 100% DID it behind his fathers back, and my point is Jason KNEW how his father would react, and was unbelivably stupid to not se it coming, given all we are told about his father being a ruthless buisiness man! Poke the bear, it WILL attack! As a buisiness man Jason of course has every right to sue, but then Richard 100% didn’t have a choice. Why should he gamble emilys future on the small chance that Jason could fix it? Richard really did not have choice. Would Jason really expect Richard and Emily to risk everything they had at their age, because his father went after them?

Jason took clients, didn’t tell his father that he was leaving and HIMSELF Said he wanted to screw over his father. So he 100% did screw his father, that was according to him his intent and how he sold the Idea to Richard! He didn’t tell his father about his plan, so he 100% DID it behind his fathers back, and my point is Jason KNEW how his father would react, and was unbelivably stupid to not se it coming, given all we are told about his father being a ruthless buisiness man! Poke the bear, it WILL attack! As a buisiness man Jason of course has every right to sue, but then Richard 100% didn’t have a choice. Why should he gamble emilys future on the small chance that Jason could fix it? Richard really did not have choice. Would Jason really expect Richard and Emily to risk everything they had at their age, because his father went after them?

Mariella Nilsson (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-08 19:17:04 Agree, Lindsey should work if she wants to spend more time with Dean, can’t have your cake and it it too! I understand why tj smacked away jess book, you shouldn’t talk like that to your elder, givning tj attitude, and you definatly should not hit your elder! TJ had no patience for jess bad attitude, and that is how men interact, they mostly won’t accept snarckiness, and smacking away a book is not that big a deal to me. I have no patience for rude behavior and the faster jess learns to talk to people with respect, the better for him. And I think Even jess can respect that TJ wants jess mom to be happy.
2021-06-02 18:24:44 Agree, Lindsey should work if she wants to spend more time with Dean, can’t have your cake and it it too! I understand why tj smacked away jess book, you shouldn’t talk like that to your elder, givning tj attitude, and you definatly should not hit your elder! TJ had no patience for jess bad attitude, and that is how men interact, they mostly won’t accept snarckiness, and smacking away a book is not that big a deal to me. I have no patience for rude behavior and the faster jess learns to talk to people with respect, the better for him. And I think Even jess can respect that TJ wants jess mom to be happy.

Agree, Lindsey should work if she wants to spend more time with Dean, can’t have your cake and it it too! I understand why tj smacked away jess book, you shouldn’t talk like that to your elder, givning tj attitude, and you definatly should not hit your elder! TJ had no patience for jess bad attitude, and that is how men interact, they mostly won’t accept snarckiness, and smacking away a book is not that big a deal to me. I have no patience for rude behavior and the faster jess learns to talk to people with respect, the better for him. And I think Even jess can respect that TJ wants jess mom to be happy.

PamPam and her PamPams

100% agreed. I get that he was tired of being treated like crap at work, but he always knew his father was like this, they never had a good relationship, so what did he expect really? He could have just left the company and be done with it. But he left with revenge in mind and wanted Richard to be part of that, but he didn't think it through. The way he went to Richard and was like "I am willing to bring in all my clients, you're the best thing his company has ever had, let's really piss him off" was just all sorts of wrong. I'm not saying his father didn't deserve it but it was so naive of him to think that he could go behind his back and take company's clients without consequences, and taking Richard down with him is so incredibly selfish, doesn't matter if it was unintentionally, he should have known better. And the fact that he didn't just makes him plain stupid. So Richard had no choice in the end but to do what's best for his family. Why should him and Emily be the ones to pay the price for a revenge plan that didn't work and wasn't even theirs to begin with? The fact that Jason took forever to grow some balls and leave the company is on him. When Richard was forced out of the company he didn't look for revenge, he didn't wanna screw anyone over. Jason talked him into it. I loved him for Lorelai, but his stupidity was very frustrating.

Valencia Lanier

But Richard knew what he was getting into From the start because Jason came to him saying all of that. He never hid it that he was leaving and taking the clients that were signed to HIM, not the company. He was up front with Richard from the jump and Richard liked the idea because he was still angry at the way the company treated him when they pushed him out. So no, Richard doesn’t get to say, oh he did what he needed to do. He knew the deal from the beginning so he should also deal with the consequences. But he didn’t. He sold his partner in revenge out. And they were partners in revenge as clear as day. Their revenge was to show they were better off without the old company, that they could build and succeed in their field. (And clearly they did cause if they didn’t the dad wouldn’t have stopped to suing them if they were failures) He also chose to put his own pension up for collateral and clearly without discussing it with Emily. So Richard sucks. He chose that revenge too not just Jason alone. Also, clients don’t have to stay with an insurance company if their favorite agent/broker leaves. Obviously it wasn’t illegal for them to leave and go with Jason or he couldn’t have done it in the first place. They were a small boutique firm compared to his fathers company. And Richard went back with his own newly created boutique firm under the the company’s umbrella. At least Jason left with the clients he himself brought in and started a new company. Richard took everything he and Jason worked to build and trashed it and Jason’s reputation and went back to the company that treated him like trash. (Jason didn’t trash the company he left. They were clearly still thriving) That’s foul and backstabbing. And Jason’s dad is not just ruthless he’s cruel. He can’t even be proud or even respectful of his son for helping to build a great new firm. Still following in his footsteps as an insurance man of not in his company. All he cares about that his son left his company and thrived away from him. So yeah. The fathers suck in this situation and further makes you understand why Loreli would want to run away from that life and raise her daughter differently.