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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Andrea Paola

I do like Peyton and Lucas together more. But I think that I hated Lucas for getting in between them. I liked Nathan more from this point till the end of the series.


Trust me there’s many of us who are on yalls side when it comes to the Peyton and Lucas and Brooke situation. I am team Brooke 100% and also think it’s pretty crappy that Peyton didn’t really pursue Lucas until Brooke had him. I also don’t like Peyton much due to many reasons but that’s just my opinion🤷‍♀️


Team Brooke 100%. Brooke constantly asked Peyton how she felt about Lucas and Peyton lied, denied, and played down her feelings for him. So, Brooke doesn't look at Peyton and Lucas as serious. Peyton says herself that Lucas is "fair game".


I think that they are in the first half of 11th grade junior year.


Well... To answer your question, there’s no doubt in my mind that you’re technically “supposed” to be on Peyton’s side given the fact that her and Lucas have been pushed at the forefront but a lot of people feel the same way as you do. There are many people who are team Brooke, and there’s many who are team Peyton so it’s really all about which couple you prefer. The whole situation is messy really. The lack of honesty and miscommunication but that’s teen lust and love for ya.


I love how you can see some of Nathan's development in this episode and how he can take responsibility for some of his actions and not blame it all on his dad. Loved this quote: "I make a lot of mistakes Haley. Sometimes because of my dad, sometimes because of my choices".


I’m team Brooke as well but I wanna be fair about it. The entire situation is crappy. Peyton keeps saying that she only wants to be friends but Brooke knows that’s not true. Peyton also knows that Brooke likes him and has been upfront about going after him if she didn’t make a move, yet she was fine bc she assumed that it wouldn’t last between them. It’s messy.


Team Peyton


100% team Brooke. Peyton went about this situation wrong from the beginning, she should’ve been honest with Brooke the minute Brooke mentioned she liked Lucas.


exactly, Brooke was always upfront and honest about her feelings. (and honestly, Brooke has liked Lucas for almost the same amount of time that Peyton has, so this whole first dibs thing is a grey area anyway.) If Peyton didn't want Brooke to pursue Lucas then she could have said at anytime. However, Peyton castes Brooke as "not the dating kind" - which is kind of a sucky thing for Brooke's best friend to say about her. (I'm glad that this was addressed last episode in the conversation between brooke and Lucas. Brooke says that most people think of her as just a "brainless slut" but that "most people are wrong about her")

Michel Stephany Garces

Team Brooke 100%. Brooke asked Peyton about how she felt several times and she always denied having feelings for Lucas like that, so he was fair game, especially having in mind the fact that Brooke has always been pursuing Lucas since the first moment she saw him. I honestly believe Peyton is so selfish in this situation. Lowkey I don't like her as a character and this is one of the many reasons.


Idgaf how drunk Lucas is. Ain't no man ever gonna regret making out with Sophia Bush after he find out it happened. Hell some girls wouldn't either. 😂 also, every time Dan is being a dick about basketball; in his mind... he's "motivating" Nathan with tough love. An absolutely stupid concept that does more harm then good but nearly every parent does it, hence why most millennial and Gen Z have to be on anti-depressants.

Stefan Davis

Team Brooke....from the very beginning she made it clear how she felt about Lucas, Peyton just been giving her the runaround and acting like she dont like Lucas...Brooke asked her over and over again.... Also the Nathan and Haley situation isnt that far fetched when you think about what Nathan is used to ("his norm") .....His dad is shitty, his mom was always away on business....and him and Payton relationship was pretty much on life support....Haley is the only constant person in his life up to this point and he legitimately wants to be a better person for both him and her its a lil cheesy but not that farfetched..... Also i would like to say Brooke’s flirty, promiscuous behavior was done so well....like its a bit extra but no cringe worthy extra the show does a great job balancing it out

kyra bah

I just think Peyton was lying to herself when Brooke asked her if it was okay if she went after Lucas. And looking at peytons past relationship with Nathan I’m not surprised she was scared when real feelings got involved. Obviously she could have handled it better but I also think Brooke definitely knew about Peytons feelings since she referenced them last episode. I’m team both to be honest since I understand both


So I really didn't care about who works with Lucas here. I much prefer Nathan/Hayley and never cared much for Luke with either of the girls. However, I will say...girl code is a thing. Brooke 1000% knows Peyton still likes Lucas. It doesn't matter if Peyton tells her she isn't. Also...being Peyton's best friend...she should know that Peyton is this way. She is afraid of getting hurt because of things in her past and avoids putting herself out there. That is why she ran away from Lucas when he said he wanted something more. It wasn't because he was moving too fast. It was because she was scared. Anyway, Brooke should know all this. Peyton isn't that hard to figure out. The thing is...Brooke pretends not to know and puts herself first and goes after Lucas anyway. So that is why I never saw Brooke as being in the right here. Brooke is Peyton's best friend and should have stepped away from Lucas. You don't go after the same guys your best friend liked. He was fair game until he made out with one of them. He kissed Peyton first, so he was essentially taken unless Peyton starts having interest in someone else. That's just how I feel. I'd never step on my friend's toes. Another thing...the slow motion at the end of the last episode signified this triangle. It was Brooke and Peyton walking away hand in hand from Lucas. Foreshadowing? Well, you'll have to wait and see. However, it was showing Lucas looking after both of them. It signifies the choice he is going to have to make at some point. The slow motion had meaning and significance. That last episode really was significant for both Brooke/Lucas and Peyton/Lucas, so that is why the ending had that scene like that.


Yeah, but as Peyton's best friend, Brooke should know Peyton has a fear of getting hurt and past trauma that means she might have issues getting into something with Lucas. Peyton's whole thing is to act tough up front, but down inside she's not at all. Brooke would know that denial was her front. Also...Peyton's reactions when Lucas was around pretty much gave her away. Brooke knew because she eluded to it several times. So yes, if you take Peyton at what she said then Brooke is in the right. However, being her best friend...she should know her better than that. Heck, I know if my friend is in denial about something. I also would never jump into someone with a guy my best friend just kissed. He was fair game until that point. Idk...it's just girl code imo.

Nathalie 9090

I gotta disagree with you. Girl code and best friend code are for real, but one make out session and that means Brooke can’t date him? That seems ridiculous to me. And to say Brooke pretends not to know, she kept checking with her friend to make sure she’s okay. Even when they were both crushing on Lucas, Peyton didn’t say anything. Brooke is just going for a guy she likes. To put everything you said on Brooke is so unfair


The good thing about this show is that you don't have to be on anybody's side. They are all equally good people who make mistakes (except Dan ofc, you are very much supposed to hate Dan).


I think Nathan said all of that to Haley bc right now he has nobody else that can have a good influence on him. He realised in that moment that she is important to him. Nathan knew that he liked her, but he didn't know how much until that moment. And since he has literally nobody else that could catch him emotionally, ofc he's gonna say it like that.


very true! I think this episode you clearly see that he wants to be a good person, but he just can't escape his dad's pressure. we needed that inside look to understand Nathan better.

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

I’m so Glad we’re here cuz I’m all about Team Naley. Dun give AF about who Lucas ends up with cuz that whole love triangle thing is just so overdone. I think Nate finding that one stable special person is so beautiful and never seen in teen dramas. Like, there are other dramas to explore than that contrived love triangle thing. This was the episode I’ve been waiting for so now I’m gonna load up on snacks and Starbucks and binge. From the comments I gather you’re probably not very into Naley. Hope I’m wrong or if I’m right that you’ll eventually change your mind (fair warning, it’s impossible not to love those two together).


And yet somehow I understand Dan as well and he is definitely in my top 3-4 characters.


Regarding Brooke and Payton. I am on nobody's side on this, because I really think no one did nothing wrong yet. However I really don't like how people are criticising Brooke for not realising Payton is into Luke. First - Brooke has always made it clear since episode 3-4 when Payton was still with Nathan that she is interested in Luke and she wants a boyfriend too, quote "not like you and Nathan with all the drama - someone reliable" Then in episode 6 she told Payton she likes Luke and she also said for us to realise "and I don't know who the hell you like anymore". No excuses for Brooke in episode 7. She was drunk though. And even though Payton told her in episode 8 that she bailed after a couple of minutes with Luke, she told Brooke it's because "he got all serious" a telltale sign that she wasn't interested in more than a hookup with Luke. So now she keeps telling both Luke and Brooke that she and Luke are only friends so why not go for it, Brooke always wanted Luke and Luke just saw someone who was interested in him for a change, for more than just a hookup. Plus they have started to grow both Payton and Brooke since the first episode so much that the best friends thing does not hold water because both are in the process of changing. So Payton is not the same person she was the first episode, having a meaningles relationship with Nathan (proof being Brooke thinking that she wanted to get back with Nathan in episode 7) and Brooke is not the same person either (proof being Payton saying to Haley that Brooke is not the dating kind). So I honestly think whoever is on Payton side alone is in the wrong. Regarding Nathan and Haley, again like with Luke, I'm gonna plead High school to you. And it was a charged situation and he was emotional so not that weird. Also, love can happen quickly as well. For them especially since they never had such a connection with anyone else before. With Dan, well I always like to play devil's advocate but he is blamed for a lot of things more than other characters which is fair but also not at the same time since he is not to blame all the time but he is anyway. That's all I can say for now without giving spoilers.


Whoa way too many spoilers. Tone it down a notch.


Dan doesnt have more money then Deb. We already established that Deb's family is rich and they invested in Dan and his business.


Exactly. In season 1 they are in the first half of their junior year. Each year of high school usually lasts 2 seasons.


Correct. I think they meant bc Deb stopped going on trips for the foundation that she now has less money.


I love that we have so many Naley shippers in the comments they are my OTP. Also Team Brooke never been a fan of Peyton and this whole storyline. Also if y’all make it season 2 I hope y’all continue cause S2 is kinda rough atleast the first half is. But it’s worth it to get to season 3

I Am Not Chamari

In terms of the whole "out of area" number situation, I think that Brooke and Lucas were the ones outside of Tree Hill, so Peyton's number popped up as out of area. In terms of whose side I am on, I am kind of on Peyton's side. Peyton says they're friends at the beginning of the episode to make sure she didn't ruin something between them. But I think it was very clear that she was into him. Honestly, we saw that with the Truth or Dare Brooke levied against her and the next morning, Brooke says to Peyton "You two were totally hot for each other." So, Brooke knew that they were into each other, in my opinion. She wanted to make sure Peyton was ~ over ~ Luke, but as we also know from last episode, because Brooke told us, Peyton always has her guard up and it's hard to break her guard down. But even through all of this, I'm sympathetic for Brooke because I understand she was into Lucas. What bothers me is that Lucas was very much into Peyton. If I was Brooke, I wouldn't be comfortable going after a guy who was head over heels into my best friend. It's not something I'm upset with Brooke about, I just think the decision-making is so poor, since it's only been a few days after everything that has gone down. If some time had passed, maybe I would believe that Brooke would believe that Lucas and Peyton had gotten over their feelings for one another, but there's no way that they have. All in all, I'm reluctantly on Peyton's side, but not mad at Brooke, but kind of annoyed with Lucas. haha


Side note: each episode title is actually the name of a song

Mariella Nilsson

Why many are on antidepressant nowadays compared to before is because of big pharma pushing it. Previous generations had allot stricter parents!


at this point in the show i find peyton quite annoying. she didn't really admit to her feelings about lucas until brooke started showing interest in him and that always bugged me. and people using the excuse of "brooke should've known peyton liked him even if she didn't say it out loud". i'm sorry but no lol. peyton is a big girl who should be able to speak up about what she wants -- and not wait until its too late to do it. also, technically peyton was still with nathan and had a boyfriend when brooke first started showing interest in lucas. so again...brooke as a single woman was well within her rights to pursue the guy she's interested in and peyton having an issue with this (or trying to low key pursue him herself) makes her look like a sh-t friend tbh. i'll also add that brooke checked in with peyton multiple times to ask if she was into lucas and peyton told her no every single time.

Portia Crain

As a teenager I was totally on Peytons side but as a grown adult completely on Brooke's side...

Victoria Chinaka

can y’all try not to talk over the dialogue so much


Team Brooke


I am team friendship always! I do feel like in this episode Brooke was a little selfish. It's pretty obvious that Brooke knows that Peyton is lying. When Brooke tells Peyton that they kissed and she then pretty much walks away, she doesn't even let Peyton react because she knows how Peyton feels. Peyton should have been honest for sure! But like a lot of people have said, they are bestfriends and even Brooke said last episode this is how Peyton is. She doesn't let people in that easily. Brooke knows this and i personally think she wanted Lucas enough to ignore her friends feelings in this situation. In the end they are all kinda in the wrong. Lucas is lying to him self because he was really hurt by what Peyton did and going after her bestfriend is pretty bad when he knows that his feelings for Peyton are not gone. That's what i'm getting from him anyways. Peyton should have been honest and Brooke should have thought a little more before she went after Lucas. But they are all young so what do you really expect. I mean i would never kiss someone who my bestfriend was just making out with.. Remember that saying ur team this or that because of what happens later is a spoiler so maybe try and just say how you feel from episode 1 to this episode. I love Nathan in this episode. It's pretty bad what he does but you can clearly see that he wants to change and that he is really hurting. Which makes me so sad for him. I'm happy he feels like he can tell Hayley this.


Both Peyton and Brooke are right and Lucas is wrong. Peyton was understandably scared by how intense Lucas was and it took her time to get her feelings straight. Brooke wanted Lucas from the beginning but told Peyton she'd back off for her if Peyton wanted Lucas, but then she rejected him so Brooke made her move. Lucas is the one who's wrong for so quickly moving on with Brooke when he still had feelings for Peyton. He should have waited to fully get over Peyton before jumping into something with Brooke, or at least taken any time at all to let things settle.

Lucile Byrd

I say be on whoever's side you feel like. Me personally, I am not on Peyton's side. People keep say that Brooke is in the wrong because as Peyton's best friend she should know that Peyton covers up and hides her true feelings out of fear and past trauma, blah blah. But, Peyton is also Brookes best friend and should know Brooke's behavior and the reasons for it (the show has not given the audience any depth to Brooke at this point, but that is besides the point). Brooke was interested in Lucas while Peyton was still with Nathan, and verbalized that to Peyton repeatedly. Then, when those 2 broke up Brooke stepped back from Lucas because she thought that Peyton might also interested in him, though Peyton never said it, in fact she constantly said the opposite. But when Peyton friend-zoned him, Brooke took her shot. So, yeah, I am on Brooke's side all the way.