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PamPam and her PamPams

I don't understand why people wouldn't like Richard after this. I understand he screwed Jason, but he did it for his family and livelihood, which were at stake, not to mention Jason went behind his back and lied to him for 5 months. Richard is already in his 60s and this lawsuit would have taken so much from him. Jason is still kinda young, he can still build a business wherever he wants, plus he doesn't have a family yet. None of these are excuses but he should have known that leaving his dad's company and taking clients with him would eventually come back to haunt him, he was naive and blind. He didn't deserve what Richard did, but he did go behing his fathers back and then behind Richards back, like come on dude. I loved Jason, but I'm siding with Richard on this one mostly cause of Jasons stupidity and naiveté. Excited for the next 3 episodes 🌸


100% on Jason's side. He has EVERY RIGHT to sue! I really felt for Lane at the end of this. She loves her mom and it's really sad that in order to chase her dream, she had to sacrifice her family. Asher is so creepy. The fact he makes a habit of seducing young women then dumps them at the end of the year, replacing them with new ones is just GROSS!

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

I'm on Team Richard. Jason was so shady in the beginning. He went behind his dad's back, did things JUST ON THIS SIDE OF LEGAL, and went into business with Richard for the sole reason of getting back at his daddy. OF COURSE it backfired. Tbh, both Richard and Jason should have seen it coming. Only difference is, Richard is just protecting everything he's worked so hard for for DECADES. Yeah, he screwed Jason over but this is after Jason screwed over his own dad intentionally and screwed over Richard unintentionally

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

And I'm so for Lorelai breaking up with Jason. Maybe he does need to fight back against his dad and Richard, but Lorelai CAN'T be with the person suing her parents. She will never be able to reconcile with her parents if she stayed with him. No matter who you feel is wrong. That's just how it is.


I understand why Jason has to sue Richard. Like he said his career is his everything and Richard took that from him unfairly. But I also understand that Lorelai can't date him then. Despite her being rightfully angry at her father, Richard would lose everything too. And ofc Lorelai would side with her family over Jason. Plus, I always viewed this decision and how easily Lorelai made it as her not being fully in this relationship. First she didn't even wanna go out with him, then she didn't want her parents to know and now when forced to pick a side she picks her father's. It's typical for Lorelai to never jump into a relationship with both feet and definitely one of her weaknesses, but this time I find her reasoning plausible.


I feel like both men handled this in the wrong way. Plus, they both ignored that Lorelai will be caught in the middle. Richard knew they were dating and he went after Jason anyways. Jason knew that Lorelai would get hurt when he sues Richard, but he did it anyway. Now both of them had their reasons for doing what they did, but they both didn't care at all how that would affect Lorelai.


Also let's not forget: if Jason sues Richard and is successful, her father will lose EVERYTHING. What woman could be with a man that ruined her family? Even if he had every right to do so. I get both sides. He had to sue Richard, and she had to end their relationship.


I'm not Team Richard or anything, but let's not paint Jason as an innocent victim here. His "chosen profession" as he called it was to follow his father into his business and then to eventually deliberately screw him over. Yes, his father sucks, but Jason came from privilege and nepotism and then chose to dramatically spit in the face of the guy who gave him that privilege. And then after doing so, he made some questionable choices (as he admitted himself he liked to "bend the rules without breaking them") that left himself and Richard vulnerable to being ruined by the guy he owed his success to. A guy he knew was vindictive. What Richard did in response was cold as ice, and I personally can't imagine doing such a thing to someone, but I get why he did it. Jason is still young and rich. He could start over in any business that's not the one he crashed and burned in, or move to another community and continue doing the same work there. He's not just suing Richard to "survive." He's doing so because of his ego, which is what every move he's made since leaving his father's company has been about. He wanted to prove himself a shark in their waters, and he failed. And now he just chose his ego over his relationship. So while I'm not Team Richard on the business stuff, I'm Team Lorelai on the relationship stuff. She went to both Richard AND Jason to try to persuade them to choose their relationship with her over their finances, and she was rejected both times. Richard rejecting her led to Emily finally leaving him (the final straw in what's been an increasingly strained relationship). And Jason rejecting her led to her walking away. It's his choice and I don't blame him. This business is obviously more important to him, which is allowed. But he DID choose, and it wasn't her. So I don't blame her for walking away, either. Both of them made their choices, and both were in the right to do so, imo.


Also: I think for Emily what Richard did to Jason without a second's thought how this might affect Lorelai and their relationship with her was the last straw. She has been unhappy in that marriage for quite a while - at least that's how I viewed it. First, he kept secrets about his ex girlfriend, then the whole thing with his mother and him not noticing her work and now this. She's just finally fed up.


I completely understand Lorelai’s stance on this. I don’t think Jason is wrong for suing Richard and I definitely see why he feels like he has no choice. However, lorelai lived her whole life feeling like money, business, and status was more important to her parents than her. She has worked hard to get away from that and she didn’t want to be part of a relationship with someone who emulates those same mindsets and behaviors as the life she ran away from.

Mariella Nilsson

I think the last straw for Emily was that Richard put his pension up as collateral, with out consulting her. Like she said, they where partners once..


Lorelai understands perfectly. She knows what her father did. She is furious with him. She's not an idiot, she told Jason she understands his choice, she's just asking him not to do it because its still her father. She just cant date someone suing her father. It's quite simple. She's not throwing a fit, she just sticking to her stance, much like Jason and Richard not compromising what they believe is right. I could never date someone suing my father no matter how "right" they were. It's a horrible conflict to have. I guess you have to decide who you love more.

Mariella Nilsson

How can anyone be 100% on anyone side in this? It is a situation that has no one innocent. Jason is guilty of backstabbing his own father so he can’t complain when his father gets him back. Jason went to Richard, richard didn’t seek him out. He doesn’t Owe Jason anything, Jason made his own chices and when you gamble, sometimes you lose. Richard was pushed out of his company and did his best on his own, he was not he one looking for revenge, that was Jason, he put this whole drama in motion. Jason then started pursuing Richards daughter behind his back, messy. All Jasons choices have been messy, and he got burnt, play the game and that can happen. Richard shouldn’t have taken Jason as a partner, that was emilys consern, she didn’t like Jasons morals, and she was right. And lorelei shouldn’t have been involved with a buisness partner of her parent, so she is not innocent in all this. That relashionship was atrainwreck waiting to happen. Of course she cannot be with someone who is suing her family! A boyfriend of six months over her family? Please ! Jason had it coming, Richard had no choice, Emily should be mad at Richard for using his pension. And lorelie should choice her family.


Hmm .. I get your pov and ofc no one is totally innocent here, but to me the fact that Richard didn't even pay one second of attention of what his actions could do to Lorelai or Emily makes me upset. They all mixed business with family though and that always gets messy, I agree with you on that.


I totally, 100% agree. But also: the fact that she made this decision so quickly lets us as the audience know that she wasn't deeply invested in the relationship in the first place. If she truly loved Jason and saw him as a potential life-long partner then she probably would've taken more time to decide that.

Mariella Nilsson

Yes, Richard never really consider loreleis feelings, or in this case emilys either!

Victoria Chinaka

Jason is 100% in the right. Just bc of his past w his dad, did not mean jason would’ve screwed richard. richard completely blindsided jason and didnt even give him a chance to fix the situation. #teamjason

Michel Stephany Garces

I was on Jason's side this whole episode too! He didn't deserve none of that shit and he needed to fight to get his job back or at least his clientele. I get where Loralei is coming from but she should know damn well what her parents are capable of and there is no way ppl would stay put seeing that much injustice as Richard did to Jason. I believe Richard's and Emily's marriage was going through a rocky path for a while now but I think Emily just had enough of Richard's bs that she recently decided to move.

Ina Durcekova

I love how passionate you've become about Gilmore Girls. I remember when this was just a show to fill up your time and you weren't really invested. Also, can we give props to Emily for leaving Richard? It had to be really difficult for her given her upbringing etc.


I loved that too. Especially bc the final straw was Richard not caring about her relationship to Lorelai possibly taking a hit. That this was what finally sent her packing.


very good point! I haven’t even thought about that. In any case I just always believed Lorelai wasn’t that invested anyways - she made that choice super quickly.


I 100% agree. Lorelai tried to mediate between them, but they both didn’t care about her gettinng hurt in the process so both lost their romantic partners in the process: Richard lost Emily and Jason lost Lorelai. As you said: Emily‘s last straw was Richard willing to sacrifice their relationship with their own daughter and that is what drove her to finally leave him.


people still get excited for stamps lol as a person who worked at a ups store in the last year (formerly mailboxes ect) they get HYPED for those Christmas stamps let me tell you...