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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Street Rats- Thank you so much for another fun reaction for Once Upon a Time, Steven!! I enjoy this episode a lot, and I love that Aladdin, Jasmine, and Jafar have come into this show's major storylines. I've always loved the Disney movie, Aladdin, and so I was very happy to see them brought into Once Upon a Time! :) First... I would like to say that I am once again disappointed that there are so few moments between Emma and Killian. We see him periodically throughout the episode, but we have to wait until the very end for Killian to even talk, let alone for him to be a part of the story. But I like and understand his reasons for being upset and worried about Emma, which I will come back to shortly... Now... as an episode that introduces Aladdin as the Savior and brings him together with Jasmine finally, I really enjoy this episode a lot. However, I didn't love it and here's why... Aladdin and Jasmine's story is quite a bit different than their love story in the Disney movie, Aladdin. Which is a good thing, because this show is known for its twists on the original stories, which I love for the most part. In Once Upon a Time, Princess Jasmine comes to Aladdin seeking his help to rid Agrabah of Jafar, already with the knowledge that he is the Savior. Whereas in the movie, Jafar tricks Aladdin into becoming the hero. I really love this twist and I love how Jasmine inspires Aladdin to be the Savior he needed to be, even when tempted by Jafar with the sheers that would free him of his burden and allow him to live a long life, with Jasmine if she could accept his decision to do so. And that's why I'm disappointed that in the end, it is revealed that Aladdin gives in, and has given up his duty as a Savior in order to take the easy way out before disappearing in fear of Jasmine's disdain. I love Aladdin as the hero, and I love the twist with him being another Savior, so it's too bad that he gave in out of fear of death. However, I also understand why he does as he does too. Being the Savior is a difficult burden for anyone to bear, which we've seen numerous times with Emma. Especially throughout all of season three. I was hoping that Aladdin would come back still as a Savior in order to give Emma more hope. But with this being said... even though Aladdin may no longer be a Savior, hopefully he and Jasmine will be able to help Emma and the others to save her. Next... I'm really happy that Emma's secret that she's been keeping from Killian and her family is finally out. Although, I kind of hate how it is revealed, when the Evil Queen disguises herself as Archie and forces Emma to tell everyone. Again, it makes sense that this is what it would take for Emma to have to reveal the truth to them, but it's a bit of a let down, I think. Emma's family's reactions are all spot on and although I understand Killian's disappointment and silence, I am a bit frustrated by it as well. He's hurt, and more so he's afraid to lose her. That much is very evident. And I love that these are his reactions, just as they would be for anyone who is in love with someone who's been lying to him about a burden such as she's going through. However, I am also sad that he chooses to keep the sheers rather than throwing them away, "thousands of leagues below the seas," as he tells Emma he did. Not disappointed by his actions, because I completely understand why he would be afraid to get rid of an artifact that could save Emma's life, just disappointed that we once again have a secret that will undoubtedly come back to bite Killian. We'll see if Killian comes around in time to have more hope in Emma's decision to remain the Savior no matter her fate, for which I am incredibly happy about by the way. However, the final scene sets up for an exciting episode to come! :) Also... I kind of hate that the Evil Queen kidnaps Archie and then turns him back into Jiminy Cricket to keep him captive, and that Zelena is continuing to act as her wicked self. I love the Wicked Witch, but I don't really care too much for her character throughout this season until much, much later. As for Jafar and the whole Cave of Wonders storyline... Jafar is a good villain, although I have to admit I was a bit disappointed that he doesn't really get the chance to shine in this episode, as all he does is pretty much talk a bit to Aladdin and Jasmine, and performs a tiny bit of magic when he turns the men into rats and imprisons Jasmine in the hour glass, which is a great nod to the Disney movie. As is seeing the Sultan being enchanted by the magic in Jafar's staff, and him playing with the toys. I really love the actor chosen to play Jafar... Oded Fehr best known for playing in The Mummy movies with Brendan Frasier. As for the the Cave of Wonders... if you've seen the Disney movie, you might share my same feelings that the cave within this episode is a bit of a let down. First, the Cave is already risen from the sands and only needed to be opened by a few words taken for the original Ali Babba stories... which I actually really do love the nod to, instead of the cave being risen from the sands through magic of a scarab like as seen in the Disney movie. And when they find the fake diamond, there is really no big destruction or chaos that erupts other than a pillar that Aladdin easily blasts apart to save him and Jasmine with his magic. I admit that I was kind of hoping for a good magic carpet adventure. Also... I really do love that the Cave of Wonders is brought into this episode, and that this storyline helps to prove to Aladdin that he is indeed the Savior, not to find a magic lamp like the movie. This is actually a good twist, especially since the show's creators never had any intention of bringing Genie into the story at all, which is really a good thing because I don't know how they would be able to pull him off well without destroying a character we all love, thanks to the phenomenal Robin Williams. Next... I love the moments between Emma and Henry, especially in the crypt when he apologizes for bringing her into the life and forcing her to become the Savior. I love that she reassures him that she wouldn't have changed her fate for anything because it gave her the family and the love she's always wanted. And I really love the final scene between Killian and Emma because they are so loving and because Killian is his usual self with her until she leaves, when he is seen pulling the sheers from his jacket's inner pocket. Overall... I do really enjoy this episode very much. I would have made some changes if I were writing it myself, but I appreciate each of the storylines nonetheless. And I really love the actors chosen to play Jasmine, Aladdin, and Jafar. Especially Jasmine, who is played by Karen David, an actress I have seen in many shows. So, thank you once again, my friend! Until your next reaction... Sincerely, Heidi

Fly on the Wall

I’m with you on this one. I was quite disappointed with how they adapted Aladdin. I always assumed once they finally decided to pull the trigger on it we’d get a half season arc like Neverland, Oz, Frozen, Underworld, Camelot, but instead we get one or two episodes with some characters in the background and the flashbacks felt lazy and underdeveloped. Jafar should have been a 10 episode main villain with Aladdin and Jasmine being main characters for the season with at least 7 episodes of flashbacks fleshing out the whole Aladdin tale. Both retelling the movie scenes and adding whole new scenes to keep with OUAT twists.

Fly on the Wall

The main issue with using the Genie is they’ve already heavily implied Sidney Glass was the Genie of Agrabah and I don’t think anyone wanted to revisit his character again.

Fly on the Wall

I agree too that episode in general was just quite boring. The Cave of Wonders was a big let down as Heidi explains. They give no real explanation of how Aladdin became the savior or why Jasmine knew and they didn’t even tie it into the Cave scene or have Aladdin prove himself beyond a weight riddle and accidentally use his powers. It’s a real shame because it could have been great and instead Aladdin shows up and easily busts Jafar’s staff in an anticlimax of a fight and then still shears his powers away anyway. Weird choices all around.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Once Upon a Time in Wonderland actually establishes that there are multiple genies, which means that there can be more than one genie from Agrabah too. I've never seen Sydney as Genie from Disney's, Aladdin. Not in the slightest, and it is never said in Once Upon a Time that Sydney was ever meant to be Genie. Which I truly appreciate. Sydney to me is just the Evil Queen's Magic Mirror who happens to have also once been a genie, and nothing more.

Fly on the Wall

I even agree with your Zelena criticism for this episode/season. They spent all last season building towards her redemption with the Cora unfinished business and Regina accepting her as her sister culminating with Zelena choosing her sister over false love by killing Hades when he threatened her family’s happiness only to then have her waiver when the fake Evil Queen promises her family. Which on one hand I get, but on the other Regina is right there. This was when I ultimately washed my hands of the doppelgänger Evil Queen. It might have had promise, but it’s just causing retreads for her, Regina and Zelena. A net negative on the show as a whole.