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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation

Doctor Who Season 1


Doctor Who Season 2


Doctor Who Season 3


Doctor Who Season 4


Doctor Who Season 5



Doctor Who Season 6




Doctor Who Specials



Nikita Pascari

This episode is fun, im glad Capaldi got an episode with the TARDIS changing. Lore wise, its just broken and stuck and actually in Classic Who the 6th or 7th Doctor actually fixed it and the TARDIS would adapt to its environment for a couple of episodes. Wasnt good. Speaking of... oh boy next week....


The last scene between Clara and the Doctor was great. I don’t think he means Clara isn’t a good person per say. Just that being the doctor doesn’t make you good. He doesn’t see himself as a good person just because he’s the Doctor. When Clara was talking about it being okay that the people died because of balance the Doctor didn’t seem to like that. He said he talks like that so others don’t have to. He doesn’t want Clara to become jaded like him. My interpretation at least. I really can’t wait for you to see how everything sums up. And speaking of favourites, Tennant is my favourite for many reasons including nostalgia but Capaldi is high up there too. This doctor is by far the most interesting to talk about as a character with many dimensions. A doctor like this was needed after Tennant and Smith who were both young, positive and similar.


Hey I think this was posted on the wrong tier :)


Being The Doctor can be about making some pretty difficult decisions and choices. Doing what is perhaps necessary rather than preferable. This Doctor is saying that to save as many people as possible, he sometimes has to make some choices that appear cold and detached. These are lessons that Clara has started to learn and accept and this Doctor is not happy about that. He makes those choices largely so other don't have to. He doesn't want his friend emulating that trait. Basically you've started to think like me and I don't want that for you. So "Goodness had nothing to do about it." This feeds into this Doctors self doubt as he retakes that journey to identify himself in this new body.

Felix Huang

Doctor name the monster "Boneless", which might be a callback to power of words and names as its like a "2D" concept.