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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation

Supernatural Season 1


Supernatural Season 2


Supernatural Season 3


Supernatural Season 4


Supernatural Season 5



Supernatural Season 6





Daniel R

I will agree that Season 8 takes a bit to get going at least imo, but you'll know when it gets good 👍 also, it makes me appreciate Season 6 way more because of the mystery and constant guessing as to what's going on with Sam, Cass, Crowley, Alphas, etc.

Mike Watkins

I'll just say now that I'm very happy that we're done with season 7 and I think you will thoroughly enjoy pretty much every season afterwards much more. Season 7 I think was very easily the worst one if you're at all interested in Supernatural's over arching storylines. Although admittedly I personally found it to be far worse than you seemed to feel about it. Season 8 overall I found exponentially better than 7 in general and I think it's due to the less decentralized and focused narrative in contrast to 7's... what felt like a big monster of the week centered season.

s jaco

I don't know if you watched Friends, but Kevin's mum is played the actress who played Julie, Ross's girlfriend in Season 2.


Crowley is the king of hell so he has really strong demon powers. He said in the episode that he couldn’t do all his tricks because of the warding but he still had telekinesis because he threw sam and dean against the wall. I kinda assume that when they rushed him in Mrs Tran’s body he was too busy with the physical fight to use telekinesis. But if they had rushed Crowley face on at the end he would have just swatted them away. But it’s a bit of a grey area, the writers sometimes let sam and dean get extra hits in against demons by taking them by surprise, otherwise the telekinesis power would be pretty hard to overcome.

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

Oh, Mrs Tran...I love her. Truly an awesome side character they could build so much on. What a fiercely protective momma.

Steve Quast

The knife would be way more valuable at that auction than the Impala.