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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Alliana Kelley

I know this is an old comment but I am so happy I am not the only one who felt Clary and Alec's moment was insincere. She sounded snobby to me.

Valencia Lanier

Clary always talking about doing stuff but she has no fighting skills yet and doesn’t think things through like she ran out alone when she knows everyone is looking for her. She doesn’t know the invisibility rune wouldn’t work on the people who are looking for her. Alec saw her so Circle members could see her too. She doesn’t care about listening to anyone else as long as she gets what she wants or does what she wants to do. Also she had no right coming at Alec about his feelings for Jace. She doesn’t know him well enough to speak on that, they aren’t friends. That conversation shouldn’t have been with Clary. Should have been Isabel. Clary was insensitive in the way she just blurted it out. Clearly Alec isn’t open about it and she just invades his privacy. I hate that Jace blames Alec because Clary ran away. He’s acting like Alec is the one who got Clary kidnapped. Jace keeps running after Clary and dismissing his own Parabatai. It’s annoying. as his parabatai, it feels like he’s treating Alec wrong. I hate that he won’t even listen to Alec. Oh Simon. I can’t wait for you to see the rest of his arc this season. And Luke and his partner have been talking about the demonic murders since episode one so we knew they Atleast were aware and I can’t remember if they mention the pack before.

I Am Not Chamari

I did not like the moment between Alec and Clary. Like Valencia said, she doesn't know him and the whole thing just comes out as insensitive. He's closeted and that is not the way to talk to someone about a topic like that, especially if you barely know him. Magnus asking Alec out was quite excellent and I cannot wait to see where that goes! Finally Luke! I knew he was a wolf either in the second or third episdoe (I forget which), where he kills one of the members of the Circle (I presume). That attack in the parking garage was very wolf-like, but I like how this show builds up all of the supernatural beings in the world.