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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Andrew Hamilton-Farcy

Yes everyone in possession of the coins became crazy and agressive (i don't know if you have seen that in the movie hitler also have the coins on him like button.)


I don't know if you noticed but the captain in the last episode when he talked to the man who organized gladiators combats, this man said basically that the captain was some kind of royalty. Then in this episode, when he's dreaming because of the coins, in the crowd we see flags with a lion (the lion is usually used to represent royalty), later when Nick goes to evidence to take back the coins believing that the captain put them there last night, on the side of the box we clearly see the same lion as the ones on the flags, representing the royalty. The point of the meeting of the captain is clear, when the man told the story about the coins its evident that the ones in possession of the coins are charismatic, thus when he says that they were made in Greece, they imply (in the show) that the rise of the Greek empire comes from the power of the one who owns the coins, that it makes him a great leader, then the Greeks lost the coins and their Empire was lost. The coins ended up in the hands of the Romans, and there same story, Caligula and other named emperors were there creating the Roman Empire at the time, then the coins are once again lost, and the Roman Empire then fall, to end up in the hands of what will be the Chinese Han dynasty. Until being lost again, and to find again during the Third Reich, under Hitler who with the film at the end, carrying the coins, proving to us that the coins were at the origin of the rise of this man. So basically the coins created empires under their influence, and without them, they crumble. This is why the captain, being obviously royalty, suddenly sees himself as a leader of a royal empire with the people supporting him. This is the effect of the coins, the coins influence the people who hold them, not the other way around.