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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


I Am Not Chamari

Plastique is the first meta human that I actually felt bad for. I was really upset that she died, because I wanted her to sort of hang around the team for just a little bit longer. I actually really like this episode but that’s mostly because of Barry/Iris/The Flash stuff. And the whole Barry and alcohol thing was really funny. In terms of the whole Eddie thing at the beginning, I also don’t think Barry dislikes Eddie. But he’s obviously not close to him, and if Eddie and Iris happen to break up, or even just fight with one another, it’s clear that Barry would have no reason to hang out or be around him, putting a sort of uncertain temporary feel to that relationship.


To be fair, this is the first season of a TV show, they're budget isn't going to be big enough to afford to make all the CGI look super realistic.

Nathalie 9090

And it's a tv show. The CGI is excellent in this show but you can't expect it to be like a movie theater