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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



I always forget how slow this show starts 😅 but it's still good. loving your reactions. and to answer your question, yes we are seeing the Wesen from Nick's perspective as he sees them 🙂

Staton Chapman

I wouldn't actually say shes bad. Yes she does bad things but i actually do feel she feels remorse for it and she is different then most spinnatods bc she actually never killed her husband so she has the ability to love someone. She just doesnt want to die off so quickly so she does what she has to to survive

Sherry Garcia

The way I understood it from Charlotte's explanation of a biological imperative was that it is more than rapid aging of looks,but the whole body. Meaning they not only look much older more quickly if they don't feed they would actually age and die much younger. That is why the feel so badly and it "rips their heart out " if they choose to live that way. They literally have to choose between being killers or rapidly aging and dieing younger. From that perspective I do feel bad for them, especially since she has a child and not killing means get child would lose her mother much sooner.At the same time it is still murder and wrong.