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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation

Doctor Who Season 1


Doctor Who Season 2


Doctor Who Season 3


Doctor Who Season 4


Doctor Who Season 5



Doctor Who Season 6




Doctor Who Specials




Did doctor who get a schedule change? It seems to be coming out way less frequently. Also super excited for some of the stuff coming up in a bit!

Jeremy Burch

I didn't think this episode was great, but I did kind of get Clara's anger with the Doctor for leaving and did kind of think he sounded patronizing, although I don't think he realizes it. Also, the first time I watched this I did think what happens, if when the creature hatches it just lays another egg and that's kind of how it works, it just keeps hatching and laying new eggs because sometimes that's just how nature works with repeated processes. So, I was definitely not sure killing the creature was the right idea.

Nikita Pascari

I dont disagree with you, I felt the same watching it originally. At this time I had started feeling Clara fatigue, she has been the companion for years at this point waiting for new seasons to come out. I felt like this was just a plot point but if we moved on to a new companion i wouldnt have cared.

jay luna

Totally respect your thoughts and opinions on this episode. When I first was this episode my thought process was: this is doctor who, from everything I've learned and seen, I honestly never thought the creature would attack the Earth. I was also fascinated but also a little embarrassed that we would be so quick to kill it. I just feel like if aliens were real that would definitely a be reason to hate humanity.

jay luna

And this thought mainly came from Clara’s observation that you can't blame a baby for kicking. Like why does every alien have to be bad or what baby comes out of the womb annihilating people. I like the idea that this was the reason humans begin to travel.

jay luna

I feel this, I really do like Clara and I love the 12th doctor but there are times around this season where I'm just over it and these parts of her storyline.


For me this episode is about the unknown. Individually and collectively we fear it. The undesirable choice of having to kill for self preservation is what's on the table here. One is adamant they should kill it, both to save the Earth's much needed moon and because of what the creature might do. This is the choice the planet chooses. One is adamant they should let it be born because so far it hasn't done anything threatening. One is not sure what the right choice is and fears making the wrong decision. They just want their friend to help or tell them what to do. One might argue, hypothetically speaking. That potentially Earth originally made the choice you described. Then like you suggested, they had to deal with the consequences of that decision. The Doctor professes he needs to abstain from making this choice that shapes the human race's future. But he has perhaps just placed someone he believes in and trusts into the mix, in the hope that they might make the what he may consider to be the right choice. Clara could be furious because he has just put her a position to make very difficult decision she felt ill-equipped to make. Maybe he has just used her to change the catalyst for Humans leaving the earth. Now it is for exploration when perhaps it was originally for survival. This is all wild conjecture but I like the notion.