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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation



I think I speak for everyone when I say this is the main reaction we were waiting for. My heart sunk when I first watched it and I was in disbelief and when I rewatch it I am still in disbelief. I thank the fans who did not ruin this for you and spoil it but thankfully you never got spoiled on this... when there is list from entertainment from “Top shockers/twist in television history” expect this one to appear. Nina was one of my favorite characters and she did everything to help Jack, or it seems? So I just didn’t see this one coming especially because she was ruled out as the mole early in the series. I feel for you... this one was hard. 😢

Vicky N

You obviously don’t remember, the plan at the beginning was to have Senator Palmer killed and Bauer blamed and probably be killed by secret service guarding the president. That’s why they kidnapped Kim as leverage. At the beginning of this episode we were in the same situation, they want Palmer dead and Bauer to be blamed and they are using Kim as leverage. It was really not a big deal to “guess” what was going on. The manner in which it would happen, the bomb, that was the surprise!

Vicky N

The Nina reveal was masterfully done. We were all caught off guard.


Haha so true. But the writers told us from the beginning who the mole is. That's what's most impressive about this.


The Nina reveal is so awesome I was anxious from the second I saw this episode in my Patreon feed. Love your reaction.


How can you still not be sure what kind of person Sherri is? Come on man. She just said she only stayed with David for the benefits of being a politician's wife (or president if he wins). When they were talking she basically threatened him that no matter what he did (or how much he can mess up Sherri's plans to control him - she would still find a way to be there as his wife - near him). Also Patty 100% needed to be fired - 100%. Not only she deceived David, she also was willing to degrade herself by trying to seduce a married man in order for his wife to get control of him. If that is not grounds for dismissal, I don't know what is.


I was watching when this aired and they got me with the Nina reveal too. I had dismissed her as the mole when they cleared her earlier in the season and didn't even suspect her when they were wondering about one later on. I had a jaw drop moment too.