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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Valencia Lanier

Hello 🙃 The Vimeo video is for You 1x2 not Shadowhunters 1x2

Valencia Lanier

Clary isn’t in charge. And that’s the problem. Actually Alec is but JC wants to run around after Clary and break rules. Alec and Izzy go along with him cause they’re family.


Alec is in charge - and yeah he’s the smart one lol. Unfortunately everyone listens to Clary and not him. I can’t wait for you to get to Episode 4, that’s when the show really starts picking up!


They follow Clary because she doesn't know any rules and just want to do what she wants. Even if people are against it she would most likely not listen and go off on her own, which Jace most definitely don't want. Since Jace, Alec, and Isabelle mean a lot to each other they follow him anyway because they got each other's back.

I Am Not Chamari

Alec is definitely the smart one! While Jace and Izzy are a little bit reckless, he has it altogether, and is very calculated and in control. We're only in the second episode and we would have honestly been much better off if we listened to him lol


Just call the cop Luke. ....for now. Shadowhunters are half human and half Angel. Warlocks are half demon and half human. Warlocks are male and female (they don't use witch) Vampires are self explanatory....lol. anyone who isn't human (mundane) or Shadowhunter is a downworlder.