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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation

STEVEN MOVIE REACTION: https://www.patreon.com/posts/serenity-movie-26828152




The Alliance were not trying to "turn River into a Reaver", and no, the Reavers didn't kill those people. The Alliance were trying to pacify the ~30 million settlers on Miranda with a pharmaceutical that made them calm. It worked too well, and instead of just being less aggressive and violent, they just lay down and died. A small percentage of the population had the opposite reaction and became extremely aggressive and violent - which is where Reavers come from. All of this was done by accident - no one wanted there to be Reavers, they certainly wouldn't try to make someone into one. Hopefully that clears things up.

Mariella Nilsson

Always sad when the show is over. This movie is so good! And it was fun watching with you! Loved your reaction and comments!


I see this movie as the big-budget series finale every fan wishes their favorite show would get.


And yes, as J.D. said above, they weren't trying to make River into a Reaver, just a psychic weapon. The Reavers were an accidental creation the Alliance just wanted to sweep under the rug. Also, the villain has no name and is just known as "The Operative." Worth noting, he's played by the great Chiwetel Ejiofor, who like you said is a great actor, and who's gone on to have quite the illustrious career since this movie, starring in several big movies including the Oscar-winning "12 Years A Slave" (for which he was also nominated), "Children of Men," "American Gangster," "The Martian," "The Lion King," and Marvel's "Doctor Strange" (as well as its upcoming sequel). He's awesome. Anyway, it's been great (ha!) fun watching this with you - glad you enjoyed this show/movie as much as I did. Thanks for the reactions!

Daniel R

You should check out Dollhouse at some point my guy