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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation

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Season 4





Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

A Bitter Draught- Thank you very much for another great reaction for Once Upon a Time! Overall... I enjoy this episode, although there are definitely some things about this episode I would have changed, because I don't like a few aspects. First... I'll begin with the Count of Monte Cristo since this episode begins with him. I am not a fan of the actor they chose to play Edmond Dantes and I've got to say, I wasn't too impressed with how they portray Edmond either. He is strong, yes. And I would have liked his character if he was anyone other than The Count of Monte Cristo, for reasons I will come back to momentarily... But I really hate the first scene with him when he kills one of his enemies. It isn't even close to how he reveals himself to his darkest enemy within the novel, that is one of my all time favorite books that I have ever read. I love The Count of Monte Cristo and when I heard that they would be bringing Edmond into Once Upon a Time, I was so excited, only to wind up feeling so disappointed by how they portrayed him. In the novel, and in one of my all time favorite movies... The Count of Monte Cristo from 2002 starring my all time favorite actor, Jim Caviezel... there is so much that this show could have taken from this phenomenal story, and yet the creators and writers barely touch on the true story and distort it in a way that just doesn't work for me. To me... Edmond's revenge is all dark showing no sense of the good man Edmond Dantes really is despite his yearning for revenge against those who wronged him. As for Edmond agreeing to kill two innocent people (Snow and Charming), in order to get his vengeance against the rest of his enemies, I don't believe he would have even agreed. However, at least he felt badly about doing so and tried to make up for it until the Evil Queen stole his heart to force him. If this character was anyone else who might have wanted revenge against his enemies, I would have like his storyline so much more. I just have a deep love for Edmond Dantes and the classic he comes from, so for his story to be twisted in a way I don't really care too much for, I just felt very disappointed. I hope this makes sense. Now, with all this being said... I of course feel badly for Edmond within this story, and especially for Regina in the end when the Evil Queen forces Regina to kill him, yet it makes for a weak ending for the Count as well. All in all, I wasn't too impressed by the Count's story. However, I do love the overall storyline for Regina and the Evil Queen. I love how both the Evil Queen and Rumple manipulate Edmond in order to use him to their own advantages because they have their own agendas. Next, in regards to the Evil putting the moves on Gold... yuck! This is just wrong. I never once have gotten any kind of sense of lust or romantic feelings between these two in all of the backstories between them. Certainly ne3ver any kind of sickening feelings like we see between Rumple and Cora. So... to see Regina suddenly acting like this with Rumple, even if she is doing so to make him feel uncomfortable, I just really don't like this either. Lana Parrilla's acting as the Evil Queen is phenomenal, but this just feels so wrong. Also... I like seeing Rumpelstiltskin and his own twists in this story involving the Count of Monte Cristo. Especially when he confronts Edmond in the backstory and poisons Charlotte, then convinces him to enter the Land of Untold Stories to save her... all in order to keep his plans involving them giving birth to the Savior in place. And I love the Evil Queen in the end when she confronts Regina, David, and Snow. She was so great. I love her taunt when she says she is going to watch as the heroes all rip themselves apart. As for her giving David the coin in the end to reveal that David's father's cart accident wasn't so much an accident, I had a feeling that was the case when David mentioned his father had died to Anna in season four's Frozen arc episode... White Out. So this wasn't a surprise for me when this was brought up, should Charming's father's death indeed turn out to be more than an accident. Accidents in this show are very rarely accidents. And as for the Queen with Zelena, I didn't really care either way. I love Zelena throughout the Wicked Witch arc in the second half of season three. And I love her character overall, and for reasons you've yet to see. However, I agree with you that her character throughout seasons four, five, and six are more annoying to me than anything else too. Like I feel with Belle's and Rumple's relationship, she is far too wishy washy. Now... I really love continuing to see Archie again. I like that Emma is at least talking to someone, but I am still disappointed that she still has yet to talk to Killian. I was hoping that Killian would have confronted her in this episode. And now, Emma is just given another reason not to talk to him or her family. Also... it makes sense that she would suspect Regina after the Evil Queen's big taunt, especially after hearing that this could be the start of Regina heart darkening again. I also think it would make for an exciting fight because Emma had originally defeated the Evil Queen when she broke the first dark curse back in season one, but I am still hoping for a completely new villain. Many people also suspected that Emma will end up fighting against herself, which also might be interesting should this be the case. So your theory is also really good too. :) Finally, I absolutely love the very brief scene between Killian and Belle above the Jolly Roger. It is so sweet and I love seeing Killian show Belle his vulnerability. Killian is fighting so hard to make up for his past sins and I love that he is seeking to apologize to all he's wronged in order to become the hero in his own eyes that he still struggles to see himself as. It is really good to see this part of him again. Also... I love that Belle accepts his apology, even though it's clear she has already forgiven him long ago. And she has. I really appreciate seeing more focus on Killian's and Belle's friendship. Once again... Killian is barely in this episode. We need more Captain Hook!!! And lastly... I love seeing all of the unknown characters shown towards the beginning of this episode inside Granny's Diner, introducing us to the possibility of upcoming storylines about to be played out for a number of great characters from classic novels. Some of these characters are most certainly obvious as to who they might be... such as the Three Musketeers. Oh, and in answer to your question about the number of storybooks and in which books these characters all come from... I believe that there is a storybook for every different realm in which these characters all could come from. Like for the Count of Monte Cristo... according to the Once Upon a Time wiki page, it is said that Edmond comes from a realm simply known as 19th Century France. Outside of the major realms we know about such as the Enchanted Forest, Oz, Neverland, Wonderland, Arendelle, etc... back in season two's episode... The Doctor, we learn that Whale/Dr. Frankenstein is from a black and white world known as the Land Without Color, and in season four's episode... Sympathy For the De Vil, that Cruella comes from 1920s England. All of these characters' original stories are most likely in completely separate books, until their stories come to merge together with this show's main characters such as they do. In which case... their stories may also be in Henry's storybook that he's held onto since season one. And many more realms will come to be introduced soon too. I hope all of this makes sense. Thank you once again for another fantastic reaction, Steven! Until next time... Sincerely, Heidi