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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Reed James

You hit it. The Cylons think they're better than humans, but they make all the same mistakes humans do.

J Scott Page

Caprica is a prequel. It was, for me, a very interesting show. Nothing remotely like BSG, though. But interesting in it's own way. I would personally recommend watching it after BSG, if nothing more than for more lore behind the BSG universe.


You mentioned potentially diving into BSG more, which would be awesome if you can fit it in!! I love this show!! So yeah, the Cylons wanted to try to essentially force peace with the humans. Yes, Sharon and Caprica 6 are supposed to be "better" or the good ones. Obviously Sharon spent her life thinking she was human. Sharon honestly should have known how the humans would react to this. I think she is so desperate to be back with them (Caprica 6 feels the same about her feelings toward Baltar) that they are willing to try to force the cylons and humans to live in peace. The way they went about it...with an invasion was obviously the wrong tactic. Ultimately, the cylons are not understanding they are just as flawed as humans. Remember throughout season 1 & 2 the cylons talked about how flawed humans are, but they don't see the flaws within themselves. The Caprica prequel only lasted a season and isn't anything like BSG. I didn't care for it at all. You can give it a shot, but it's basically an entirely different show and feel. As far as the Resistance episode...yeah it isn't 100% necessary. It does give a little background that's helpful. They have several tie-in movies and little web episodes that fit in this series along the way. None are essential to understanding the story...they just add a bit more depth. So whether you watch them is your own call! I still haven't seen a few of the tie-in movies. You mentioned that Adama was hard on Lee when he called him fat. I think he was trying to wake him up. He needs Lee to get ready to fight. Lee is soft right now...he has no fight in him. Just like saying Adama shouldn't be pushing the flight crew. It's going to take everything all of them have to pull of a crazy rescue plan if they even can. So I think that's why he was harsh. He needs Lee to be on top of his game and right now...he's nowhere near it.


Also wanted to add...I think it's cool they cast several tv actors that were HUGE in the 80's-90's on this as cylons. I think seeing those familiar actors made their models even more creepy. For example, number one is played by Dead Stockwell (Quantum Leap is what a lot of people recognize him from) and then number three is Lucy Lawless (Xena). I always thought it was brilliant casting them.


Agreed. It's nothing like BSG, but I found it VERY interesting, nonetheless. I'd say it's definitely worth checking out, at the very least.

Calvin Allen

I think there is one other that is far more dangerous