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As you, Steven, I didn’t care for the Trio this season and this episode made me hate them. The fact that all of them were pretty much with rape is what frustrated me most. Then Andrew saying how it’s messed up that Katrina was an ex... umm wtf?? It’s messed up regardless of the woman. No woman should be brainwashed as a sexbot unwillingly like that. The scene with Tara and Buffy was amazing, happy that Buffy finally had someone to turn to about the state of how she’s been since she’s come back from the dead and why she doesn’t feel like herself. She’s just been so isolated from the world and I think it’s because she was in heaven and to sort of return to hell...

Marshall Dante Robertson

Everytime I tell people that Dead Things is in my top ten favorite episodes of all time, they look at me like I'm crazy. But I love this dark, twisted gem of an episode, I can't help it. Sarah Michelle Gellar tore my heart to shreds during this episode, particularly the final scene. Emmy worthy.


Here's my thing: I LOVE Spuffy, but WITHOUT the sex. Their banter, their conversations and their understanding of each other is so amazing to watch, but their sexual relationship is gross at this point. Like take the opening scene of this episode for example--when they're just talking, it's cute and fun, but then spike says, "you were amazing" and it's back on sex and back being awkward to watch... Overall, I really like this episode because it shows the lengths the Trio are willing to go to. They are all, but more so Warren, dangerous incels. Jonathon is such a tragic character because he had the potential to be better, and Andrew is so pathetic and easily lead, he's a pawn who will do anything to be 'cool' with Warren, but Warren is a whole other level of evil. From creating sex-bots to this, his escalation is so text-book for an offender which is the ONLY reason I find the trio fascinating to watch. They're humans with souls and they're arguably far worse than demons and vampires who hunt to eat, or even Glory who wanted to get back to her dimension. They're doing it solely for pleasure and thrills. Warren didn't even blink when he killed Katrina. Dude is MAD CREEPY. So yes, they're annoying and seemingly played for cheap gags, but under it all... there's this. On a show that is completely supernatural, they're realistic. And that's what makes them a little scary.


I’m glad you admit that you have a hang up with sex. Because you do seem to have this reaction every time the character Buffy has sex, and only Buffy if I recall correctly. Your reactions to the sex scenes are so strong that it looks like you miss what’s actually happening in these scenes. Buffy, in her view, is partaking in horrible behavior by sleeping with Spike. These actions make her feel like she is becoming a monster. Something wrong, something dirty, etc. This is why she dreams of sex after “killing” Warren’s ex. She is making a connection between her bad behavior and the murder. Up until this point, she has been worried that sleeping with Spike makes her bad and now she has this murder that pretty much proves it. Later, when Tara shows her the simplest of compassions Buffy breaks down because in her head its already decided. She’s horrible and unworthy of forgiveness because that his her view of how the world works. We see this throughout the series with episodes like season 3’s gingerbread, or when Faith accidentally kills a human. Buffy very much has a strong moral compass and when she can’t live up to it she punishes herself like a monster she’s meant to slay. My personal theory is that when Buffy is hitting Spike in the alley, its more her trying to attack the evil she views in herself. Very similar to when Faith and Buffy switch bodies and end up fighting in the church. Faith attacks Buffy calling her filthy and nothing. She’s not telling that to Buffy but to herself.

Marshall Dante Robertson

Agree 100%. The parallels between Faith and Buffy were so strong in that scene, and it was so obvious that Buffy was taking her own self hatred out on Spike, so I'm surprised Steven didn't pick up on that.


I just went back and listened to your afterthoughts. I think you may have missed the "The only time I feel anything is when--" line from Buffy. She's not using Spike for sex. She's empty inside, depressed, and borderline suicidal after being ripped from peace. She's using Spike to feel ANYTHING and that's why she thinks something is wrong with her because she can't feel unless it's carnal. She only has sadness and pleasure. All of her happy scenes are forced. That's why, when her friends are happy and dancing, Buffy goes away to drop her façade and watch them from the shadows and why she lets Spike touch her, because once again she isn't feeling what her friends are feeling and she's desperate. The reason Spike can hit Buffy is because she technically died. Tara said it altered her on the molecular level, so because she was dead for weeks her body, while resurrected, had rotted. So Spike's chip doesn't recognize her as a living being. And in my opinion, Spike's version of love isn't love, it's obsession and addiction rooted in hurt and violence, as shown in his relationships with Dru and Harmony. To me, Spike doesn't have the capacity to love because he's not human, he's a demon. He can only remember what William felt when he was in love and he misconstrues his want of Buffy as feeling the same, but it's not. I think this is most obvious in the way he constantly tries to separate her from her friends this season "You belong in the shadows... with me." It's his selfish way of keeping her because he knows if she wasn't so traumatized and desperate to feel, she wouldn't need him. That is why they're so f-ed up. They could have went the Angel/Cordy route and had them be really great friends, but instead, they became toxic, dark and selfish--on both sides. But that's just my take on it...

Vicky N

This is certainly a turning point re the trio. I agree stellar acting by SMG. But to me she’s always great, it’s only easier to notice on big dramatic scenes. As for the sex scenes, I hope you will be able to get over your blanket distate to see that they have a narrative purpose. This is not “the vampire diaries”. Trust the writers. You personally may be opposed to Buffy having feelings towards Spike and ascribe her attitude towards him as just an addiction, but it’s a little more complex. As es shown when she was beating Spike to a pulp and berating him, she was mostly talking about herself, how she perceive herself, or better, she want to be perceived A dead thing and that’s how she can reconcile what she he is doing and what she is letting Spike do to her, as she tells Tara.


The Buffy and Buffy/Spike storyline is supposed to be about depression. That's been the thing the whole season and I actually have a lot of issues with the way it was done (and some issues with Willow's storyline of addiction) but that was the intent the writers had. It's not really about Spike personally or how good or bad the sex is. Buffy and Willow's real-world depression and addiction storylines are supposed to be the focus of the season which is why we have the trio instead of a normal big bad.


This band of trio dicks are so much more evil than any demon that's been on this show. This is season definitely has its issues...but also has some of the best moments of the show...it's very confusing lol

Brian Rayburn

This is slightly off topic but when you were discussing your general distaste for sex scenes(especially ones you felt were a bit gratuitous) I was thinking you must have been very uncomfortable every other episode with Game of Thrones. As for "Dead Things" from Buffy I enjoy most of it. Not one of my top favorites for this season though, but I do appreciate its importance.

s jaco

The trio might not be very interesting all the time, but they are a very accurate description of a certain group of men out there. That would abuse women like this if they ever got the means. It's what makes this season hold up extremely well. I think the show moved with its audience, who were 6 years into buffy and would have been young adolescence now. But its been mentioned by plenty of people why they went for abusive nerds this season. Just let it take you for ride, though there are plenty of people who never warm up this season and its okay if this ends up your least favourite of the bunch.

Mariella Nilsson

Buffy is not using spike for sex, she is depressed and spike takes advantage of that because he wants her, in a weak moment Buffy gives in and finds that Even though it doesnt make her feel good or happy it makes her feel something. And that is why she cannot stop, beacuse then the depression takes over. Buffy doesnt love spike.

Svetlana Grabar

I agree, there are waaay too many sex scenes.


The entire point of this season (with Buffy anyway) is that thread you liked so much at the beginning...Buffy was in heaven. So what happens to someone if you pull them out of heaven...they can't just go back to life and feel normal. Buffy is seriously depressed and she has to put on a fake front to her friends and family. That's why we don't see he spending much time with them. It's exhausting having to fake feeling well with them. Spike is her outlet...she doesn't have to fake feeling okay with him. The sex with him accomplishes 2 things: 1. It makes her feel something other than just an empty sadness. She is able to stop thinking for a bit with the sex and just feel something for once. That is passion. 2. The sex with Spike also feeds into her self-hatred. She literally things she's bad or wrong. It's kind of like punishing herself. So the sex scene at the club was meant to show her distance from her friends. While they are having fun she is feeling nothing. She sneaks off to find Spike. She's in the dark while they are in the light. She just wants to feel something. This scene actually symbolizes so much about how Buffy is feeling inside. They are showing you instead of Buffy verbalizing it. Buffy beating on Spike at the end represents her own self hatred. That's why Spike says "put it on me...put it all on me." He wants her to use him to let out her self hatred and feelings. He wants to take that pain from her. In Spikes own way...he does love her. At that moment...Spike represents every dirty, ugly thing she feels about herself. Then...when she stops she looks shocked and upset. It's because she sees his face and what she's done to him. She really is a monster in her eyes. This season asks a lot out of the audience. It has more adult themes and I'm not talking about the sex. You have to understand that every story bit that you think is weird is probably supposed to represent something or show us something about the character. You seem to see the surface level stuff, but not understand what it's supposed to represent. Even last episode....it was a work of art. It brought back Buffy's fear of no future that she had even back in season 2 or 3 when they did the career day. Buffy wondered what future she would have. Now she's working fast food in a job she hates and it feeds into her depression. That's why Buffy had sex with Spike outside the restaurant. It let her feel something besides her depression and her hatred of her life in this new job. It's also why Spike tells her to walk away from the job because it'll kill her. Basically it will kill her spirit because she was so depressed doing it and Spike recognized that. Spike sees her in a way that others don't this season. Her friends are completely missing what is going on with Buffy emotionally. Spike sees it and understands it.

Stephanie Bedworth

For the most part, I really like this season. As much as you don't like the Trio, they do serve a purpose.


this is the first episode where i truly started to see the trio as genuinely scary, creepy, and manacing.


I always liked the scene with Buffy at the Crypt. The song playing is Out of this World by Bush. They have been one of my favorite bands since I was a teenager in the mid 90s.


The thing about the great acting that you have to remember also is that without the other scenes and things happening with Buffy and Spike we wouldn't have them because there would be no build up or reason for it to happen. So sometimes people might not understand why certain things are happening or why the story is going in a certain direction but this is why. It's so they can have emotional moments like they had with Buffy and Spike in the Alley and her and Tara at the end. Without Buffy going through all that stuff and the depression and self loathing and sex she couldn't be in place for a scene like that.

Jonathan Rivera

Proof SMG hated all the sex scenes on the show. Watch the bloopers from this episode. Fast forward to 10:14-10:18 and she said it. https://youtu.be/i587oT0uj40

Leora Nechama

This episode is so good. SMG's acting is great and I love the scene when she tells Dawn she has to go away. I think people like the trio because of where they take the story and how badly they affect the characters we love because they're real human villians/monsters. Warren definitely is. We haven't really dealt with humans being evil the whole show so I think after Glory as a god being the last season's big bad the jump to humans as true evil is interesting especially now when Buffy might be thinking "I was pulled out of heaven to save humanity and THIS is what humanity is.". It brings home the harshness of this world after being in heaven. I think a lot of Dawn's anger this season has been cuz she feels that Buffy doesn't want to be there.