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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation

Suits Season 1






I totally agree with you that the way Mike & Rachel handled that was childish. They were being petty & getting worked up for no reason. Like it’s not that big a deal that Katrina brought over some strategy that might help with Harveys case. Donna is always great so I enjoyed the banter with the new guy.


I pretty much agree with everything you said. Harvey is in the wrong with Jessica. What did she do that’s so despicable? And Mike was acting just like him this episode but more childish and petty. He’s so entitled and dickish about being “Harvey’s man” that his ego is through the roof. Yeah Katrina said some bad things a while back but it’s clear that all she wants is to be valued in her workplace. That’s her right. She’s been completely sidelined since she’s been here that would be frustrating for anyone. It’s not personal for her but Mike and Rachel make it personal by acting like Katrina is offending them. Gosh they were so annoying. And Donna disappointed me a bit with how she defended Mike. All Katrina was doing is trying to help and work as a team what’s so wrong about that. She’s not my favourite character or anything but it’s blatant that she’s not in the wrong here. And Louis is so sweet that he takes her on at the end with a smile. The storylines this season have been frustrating to watch because the main characters whose story we see in their perspective aren’t really in the right. It’s still fun though. Plus the fixer that Donna was flirting with was definitely suave ahah.

Stefan Davis

I agree and disagree.....because the moment Katrina set foot in the building she tried throwing her weight around giving demands trying to make herself feel important, sis you’ve been here for a day pipe down.....and instead of placing her frustration to Harvey(who btw is to blame) she’s to busy trying to go tic for tac with Mike that was corny to me........Now the prank I probably would’ve let it go as well especially because the case I’m working ion by far outweighed it, under different circumstances I’d probably try to prank her back but that’s just me🤷🏾‍♂️ Now the Harvey power play on Jessica I was torn on that as well because yes Jessica groomed Harvey etc......but let’s be real Jessica only appreciates Harvey’s ego and tactics when it favors her any other time she act like Harvey is soooo out of control......And you say Harvey’s ego, I’d say his ego is just right next to Jessica’s who do ya think he learnt it from......her ego couldn’t even allow herself to tell Harvey how he really got the case he’s currently working on.....mane made it seemed like she was doing him a favor but really Darby made her tell Harvey he’s on the case, Jessica hates being number 2 that’s just my opinion

Amanda Winner

Yeah overall I am not a fan of this season compared to other ones because of the backstabbing and pettiness and not really being connected to the Ava storyline (it would have been better if it was someone we already knew)