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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation

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this is arguably the worst episode of buffy ever on a lot of different lists

james cedro

This was the worst Buffy episode period.


Really? It's hilarious if you've ever worked retail or at a fast food type place. Any minimum wage job really. They really nailed a lot of the attitude and the jokes surrounding it.


I don’t think it’s the worst. To me it’s inoffensive, I have been bothered by others way more.


The middle of this season is definitely a low point for me of the series I love the start of the season and the end, but in saying that I quiet like this ep....reminds me of when I worked in fast food, slow boring would rather be anywhere else lol

Briony Addey

I always really liked this episode, I thought it worked well and was funny. And I love the theme of how McJobs /late stage capitalism effects the human spirit and body. I thought it was super cool to imagine how suspicious the high turnover and 'ghosting' (where people leave without even bothering to properly quit) would look to someone like Buffy. I also loved how they highlighted the ridiculousness of asking people who want to put food on the table, and pay the bills, and clearly that's all they're here for, to answer 'why they want to work here'.

s jaco

I didn't like this episode when I first watched it. But to be honest. It grew on me with rewatches. There are some episodes in the earlier seasons that I would say are worse, since no matter how many times I watch them, I continue to not like those.

Mike Smith

They went really heavy handed with the music cues in this one and it doesn't help.

J Scott Page

This episode has another Dexter tie in. In season one of Dexter, when Angel’s wife brings him food in the hospital, it’s from the Doublemeat Palace.


I must admit I usually avoid this one but as it's my birthday I thought, why not? Gotta say I enjoyed it, nowhere near as bad as I remembered 🙄😂 No spoilers but keep watching Steven, this season gets so much better!!


I know some aren't crazy about this one but I've always kinda liked it. I think it's funny and I like the commentary on minimum wage jobs.

J Scott Page

My first job was a Burger King. This brings back memories. But Burger King didn’t have like vampires and demons. Though I did have a boss that could have been a demon.... 🤣

Ray D

I can’t think of this episode without thinking about the old lady with the Penis Monster sticking out of her head. Not good

Stephanie Bedworth

I dreaded watching this one because I dislike this episode so much. It's my least favorite of the whole series, I think.

Daniel R

I like this episode because I used to be a manager at a restaurant and I can confirm there are plenty of weirdos working in kitchens lol

Calvin Allen

The realness of this episode is painful. If you can avoid it, never work in food service