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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation

Stranger Season 1




Stranger Season 2 (Steven)



Andrea Dcosta

Brian was right the first time the guy who Billy and Heather attacked is the Hawkins post head guy he’s not the mayor. That’s a different guy many reactors get confused with them both 😁🤭I love this episode things are starting to get intense. I’m happy that Dustin is with Steve and Robin they are fun to watch together. Steve and Dustin are so dam funny when they watch the guy dance in that dance studio it’s so funny they both have really good bonding and their the most loved characters/ pair of the show for sure. I feel so bad for Will him thinking about the past with the boys that flashback was so sweet they were so tiny, the pictures he was looking at and specially when he breaks down castle Byers - He was telling himself that he has to move on and all these things are stupid now and he was saying goodbye to his childhood it’s so sad to see Will like this after seeing him suffer for 2 seasons he shouldn’t be going through this it’s just so so sad :(( Anyways there’s a friendship blooming I love el and Max its good to see El have a good girl friend. I loved hopper and Joyce’s little fight their adorable fighting like 2 cute couples haha. Episode 4 onwards is the start of season 3 be ready!!


Surprised y’all didn’t pick up on the Will question - the line wasn’t ‘it’s not our fault you don’t have a girlfriend’ it was ‘it’s not our fault you don’t like girls’. Now I don’t know which way they’re going to with his character but I do know that in the show’s bible and an original scene from the season 2 finale script miiiiiight give us some hints.


I came here to say the same thing. I think it's been hinted since season 1.


Actually, Heather's father was the paper news guy