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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Thomas Becker

it keeps getting better, next one is actually good.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you very much for another great episode and reaction! I really love this episode. I love the major storyline with Neal stealing back the painting and forging a fake so he can return the real painting to the granddaughter of the woman in the painting. I love seeing Neal paint the forgery, and then how he writes the message on the back of the painting to the museum curator, threatening him against trying to steal back the real painting from the granddaughter. As for the bad guys within this episode... I love the storyline with the curator at the museum stealing the painting from the original artist, especially because back during and just after the war... a;; kinds of art and valuables were stolen for various reasons. Most art was stolen by the Nazis from the Jews, which is an amazing and tragic part of history I love learning about. So I really love that while this storyline doesn't involve this painting being stolen from the Nazis, it had been stolen by someone else just as greedy. And the thief who stole the painting from the granddaughter with her uncle's help... this part of the storyline is good too, and the thief is an interesting guy. I like him overall. And yes... the banter and partnership between Neal and Peter is fantastic! It's one of the reasons I love this show so much. I also really love Peter's and Elizabeth's relationship very much as well. I think they're a great couple, and both actors have beautiful chemistry with one another. I am also very intrigued by the mystery behind Kate's disappearance and now seeing her turn up again, only to tell Neal that she wants to know where he's stashed everything he has stolen over the years. Especially because she and those who are threatening her appear to be looking for something very specific. Somethings definitely feels wrong, and I just very much enjoy the overarching storyline. And lastly... I love seeing Mozzy work with Neal, not only to help him to solve this mystery in regards to Kate, but also with Neal's work with the FBI in spite of Mozzy's reluctance to do so. Thank you once more, my friend! I am so happy you really enjoyed this episode, and I hope you will continue to enjoy this show. Sincerely, Heidi


I like how Peter is pleased to know about his gold card - meanwhile Neal has a pocket full of different cards he doesn't know about! The episodes get stronger over time, but the interactions between the characters are what gets you first and are strong much earlier.