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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Mariella Nilsson

The dry ice is to create fog, or mist. This episode is so good! Yeah Daniel is not a good friend, him and Ken are the to kinda loser guys typical bullies and they only hang with people who Will be followers. So nick has to be like them to be in the gang. Lindsey sees that he could do better, but he is stuck in the Smoke/ dream, fantasy. Poor Lindsey just wanted nick to feel better. Good reaction as always!

Capri Zonica

The director, Paul Feig just wanted to portray a personal story of how he felt he was very good at something but just dreaing about it and how his wife who was an achiever got him an audition where he sucked so he realized that he wasn´t that good about it but learned how things can be actually materialized if you pursue them. It´s several lessons at the same time.


So the rope climbing isn't really done today because obviously kids could fall and hurt themselves. However, back in the 70's and 80's they did this at some high schools. I know that my parents had to do it at their high school. This show is supposed to take place in 1980, so that seems about right. My parents were in high school in the early 70's, but I think it was still happening in the 80's. It's also basically a tv trope for high school shows.

Ray D

I would actually go the other way here. Daniel was trying to be a good friend to Nick. Daniel knows that once they graduate, Nick is going into the military no matter what. Nothing is stopping that now. He knows that Nick loves music but isn’t good enough to make a living at it. So he knows that Nick has a limited amount of time to enjoy himself and enjoy hanging with his friends, and enjoy just playing music. So Daniel just wants Nick to be able to just have as much fun playing music with his buddies as he can before he ships off to the military. In his mind he’s being a good friend. Lindsay isn’t wrong for encouraging Nick either but I don’t think she really understands the situation fully. Nick felt so bad bout himself after the audition. It was the kind of pair that Daniel wanted to spare Nick of. And because Lindsay could see how much pain Nick was in and that she was basically the one who pushed him to do that and it was her fault, she felt did something impulsive and kiss him to make him feel better. But you could tell from the look on her face at the end that she’s now kind of gotten herself into something that maybe she doesn’t want to be in.