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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation

Doctor Who Season 1


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this episode sent chills through my body its one of my favorite from capaldi's era.


After watching this a watching a few reviews and breakdowns I appreciate it more. Such a fascinating episode


This episode is brilliant, so compelling, one of my favourites. Capaldi's acting is always something you can count on. The quality of his acting is such a strength of his era.


This is one of my favorite Capaldi episodes. When it came out I was still on the fence about him, and then this episode came out and I just love the concept and idea of it all. Plus it has one of my favorite monologues by Clara at the end. just so good.

Nikita Pascari

This is the episode that cemented 12th Doctor for me and I started to vibe with him alot more. This is my second favourite episode of modern WHO I think with Silence in the Library/Midnight sharing 3rd. 1st place still to come also in the Capaldi era. Love a show that can make you feel scared without resorting to silly jumpscares.

Siti Dee

This episode is brilliant. The acting, the cinematography. The chemistry between 12th and Clara is impeccable. They're both so good together.

Jason Usher

great reaction, I absolutely love this one, it's my second favorite story/episode, I love the way the episode ends and we are just meant to wonder if there was something in the Tardis moving the Doctor's chalk, not just a kid in young Danny's Room, something on the ship at the end of the world or if it was just paranoia and just with the opening monologue made Capaldi jump to be tied with Tennant as my favorite Doctor(every episode after this one just keeps Capaldi going up and now he is Light Years ahead of the other as my favorite Doctor)


From a technical standpoint, and for most of the episode I really like this. The acting is great, the writing is great, the story is mostly good. I am not a fan of the random nature of the open ended aspects - it just feels far more like they didn't know what to do or couldn't think of anything good, rather than something left open because it is genuinely interesting to do so.


Just from what we have seen so far the ongoing story thread would be the mystery of Missy and Paradise.

Sufyaan Kazi

Amazing episode, kudos to Moffat and welcome to Capaldi, he became the doctor in this one!!