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Not a popular opinion but Buffy and Spike .. no, nope, no thank you and 🤢🤮


Anya changed her hair last episode, but this is at least her 7th or 8th different hair color 😅

Melissa Murphy

I don't think you are supposed to root for Spike and Buffy-at least not to me, the show is not setting up a romance, they are setting up a very toxic relationship that is driven by Buffy's depression and her need to feel something, even if its with Spike. I love Spike but this is not a good relationship even fans of the character if they are being honest should be able to admit that.


I feel Buffy/Spike were very rootable up until "Smashed" where they sort of clearly shown how toxic it is but before that, we at least the start of season 6, Spike was the only one who Buffy could open up to whereas, with all her friends and her family, she had to pretend to be happy and just different because of the circumstance of how she got brought back to life. So it depends on who you are, some fans root for them, some don't but I feel at this stage, you aren't truly supposed to root for them but to each their own. It's a tv show, everyone can ship or dislike who they want.


I firmly believe that you’re not supposed to be into Spike/Buffy right now. They are using each other. It’s not a healthy relationship. I’m Interested in seeing what you think as Willow’s story continues.


I really think 6x09 and 6x10 should have been a 2-parter. 6x09 on its own just feels incomplete without this episode.


I've watched this show twice, and I have come to realize that while I like Spike as a character, and I like some type of relationship(not romantic or sexual) between him and Buffy as I feel he understands a side of her that others don't I do not want them together. I believe that most of Buffy's relationships are fairly toxic, and with her situation I don't know if she can have a regular one. I believe that her and Spike having some kind of romantic relationship isn't good though and Spike might need either someone who is a good to the max who balances out his worst impulses or someone like Faith who is edgy but, until the mayor at least, has good intentions that can call him on his bullshit better than Buffy can. Also nowadays, back then too, his pursuit of her is way too aggressive and obsessive and really the relationship would have never worked, which I think all parties realized.


I don't really understand why people think you are supposed to root for them, or want them together at this point. Their relationship is presented as a toxic one. Some people just have their ships and it doesn't matter what is shown because the ignore everything that doesn't fit their viewpoint. The show doesn't even want you to ship them.


I don't want to get in a fight I just want to point out that Angel stalked Buffy when she was like 15-16 as well. And people ship that relationship too. Which it also has it's issues of Angel deciding what is best for Buffy. There's no need to mention Riley because who cares haha.


So yeah, the Buffy/Spike romance isn't ideal. Idk if I've say it's "toxic" as some here are. She is clearly using him to feel something. However, a lot of relationships are like that... where the person is what you need them to be at the time. I mean...rebound relationships are all pretty much this. I honestly think Spike is truly in love with Buffy. He's proven this over and over. I also don't think he needs a soul to experience love. He's still a person and clearly still has feelings/emotions. I always liked the Buffy/Spike relationship and feel it shows a very real version of some relationships...not all of which are toxic. Sometimes people are with others for the wrong reasons. Anyway, I love Buffy/Angel, but I equally love Buffy/Spike for similar reasons. Both are "forbidden love" and both bring out different sides of Buffy. I don't think what Spike brings out in her is toxic either. I think she's just experiencing life and trying to dig out of some depression.


So I have always been a Spuffy shipper. Probably because I started watching Buffy when I was 14 and saw a random episode I can't even remember which one. And was just like "Damn, who is that?!" lol. Again don;t judge me too much I was 14 lol. So I think when I watched it from the beginning I just thought Angel was so boring compared to Spike. I think both relationships have their issues. But we can't get into a full debate because of spoilers haha. I'm also sorry that the shallow 14 year old in me still ships it haha.

Nikita Pascari

Its not the type of show that makes you want to root for this relationship. You're supposed to not like it, it's just that there's plenty weirdos like me who like it. The producers and Josh Whedon literally just put Buffy through emotional blenders.


You're definitely using the thumbnail of a very different spuffy, very spoilery lol

Idun V

Basically the same thing for me. Other than that my feelings when it comes to them can't be explained without spoiling season 7 😋

homoerotic 80s volleyball scene personified

Words cannot express how much I hate the Spuffy relationship. He literally preys on and takes advantage of her when she's in a really dark place despite the hundreds of times she's told him to fuck off.

Shauni Livingstone

He wouldn't have known any different if u hadn't said this though


fun fact: this episode aired a day before i was born

Alexis Cardarella

I wish Amy had been better developed after being brought back. I feel like Willow's arc with her involved was really pushed too quickly. How fucked up and out of control things got so quickly. To me it seemed over the top, what happened at the Bronze.

Mariella Nilsson

I agree, I like the progress of spikes charachter, but I don’t like that it is at the expence of Buffy. His obssesion and relashionship with Buffy may be good for him, in that it propeles his development to become a better person, but it is not good for Buffy. And I don’t think that the heroine of the show should be a martyr to help a demon better himself. It seems to qliche, and not the best message to send to Young Girls. Like, don’t find an abusive person and give up your own happiness to help him change.

Reed James

This season really seems about self-desturction, which is why the "big bad" are so pathetic. The real villains are themselves. Buffy's depression leading her into this horribly self-destructive relationship, Willow falling into the addiction of drugs because she feels like she has nothing of value without it, and we've seen hints of Xander's doubts about the wedding.

Reed James

It needed an intermediate episode at least. With her going to wrack more and more and then in the next episdoe she takes dawn to it.


And yet there are so many fans who were shipping them at this point in the series. Weird.


not sure where you got the thumbnail for this episode, but that image is...not from this episode lol. if you are just searching random images to go along with episodes, you may want to not do that -- as you will likely run into spoilers.


for the people saying spuffy is suppose to be toxic and you're not suppose to want to support the relationship at this point...you are right, but it's clearly not that obvious to all viewers because they had quite a few shippers/fans by this point in the series. steven knows this too and it's the reason why he has to keep explaining why he dislikes them together. people keep flooding his comment section trying to explain why they're good together. maybe folks should stop doing that so he can have his opinion without constantly having to defend/explain it.


Anyways spuffy is toxic and an awful relationship, Buffy deserves better.


Alyson Hannigan is such a great dramatic actor. I would love to see her in a modern serious role. Seems all of her post Buffy work were all comedy. I’m always on the fence when it comes to “Spuffy.” On one hand, it is terribly toxic and destructive and Buffy absolutely deserves better. On the other, I find the psychology of their relationship fascinating. It’s definitely the most interesting of Buffy’s relationships just from a storytelling standpoint. The Trio are definitely the weak link of the season. I HATED them when the season first aired but on subsequent rewatches I just find them annoying to mildly amusing. Jonathan was always one of my favorite minor characters.


I was freaking out cause I just knew that wasn't for this episode.


Literally have never seen a single comment (on patreon) of people explaining how they're good together.....

Jordan Haddow

My opinion on the Trio. I think the Trio does exactly what they were intended to do. Take a back seat to all the stuff going on in the main character's lives. To focus on their own turmoil, they can't be expected to deal with a real threat while breaking apart and losing support. So the Trio is keeping the show's theme of having a seasonal big bad going while not being an actual big bad. If you are going to have a big bad so weak that Buffy doesn't even notice them, you kind of have to fall back on comedy and inexperience. So, for their purpose, they are the perfect enemy for Buffy and crew to overlook for. a while.