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PASSWORD: Geekedoutnation


Rancel W Heredia

Alexis drazens brother's name is Andre Drazen not adrian

Ross Pogharian

I think they were going with amnesia related to Teri trying to block out watching (and possibly being the cause of) her daughter’s death. Or so she thinks.

Vicky N

Teri’s amnesia is probably due to shock, due to her believing to have cause her daughter’s death, after all that she have been through so far. Not every amnesia must have a physical cause. She spent most of the night searching for her lost daughter who might have been killed, she got kidnapped, raped, almost executed, she killed someone, she is unexpectedly pregnant and is being chased by relentless killer. Gee I wonder why she has a mental breakdown! Amnesia can be caused by emotional trauma, without a physical one. Teri’s doctor friend, can’t be pre Jack, because he would have been with her before Kim was born. Which is a long time for the restaurant manager to remember both of them, don’t you think?

Vicky N

Alexis Drezen wasn’t sincere at all when he told Elizabeth that he was falling in love with her. It’s clear that he was manipulating her, like he did all along. That’s why Elizabeth, who got her eyes open about the situation, couldn’t withstand the latest outrageous ploy and stabbed him. She was ready to leave, to follow the plan, but as soon as he said those words, she changed her mind. You thought she was falling for it, quite the opposite, she was disgusted.


Thank you for this. I was going to write this myself. I really don't like the fans that bash this storyline as stupid (and there are quite a few) because I always thought that the temporary amnesia makes perfect sense and was set up quite well in previous episodes with Terri being a little distant and having 2 distinct moments where she spaced out or forgot a detail (like Gaines's name in the previous episode).